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austinschwag austinschwag
Posts: 334
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6 years ago
Which of the following teachers seems to have the most appropriate understanding of learning styles?
  a. I try to present instruction in multiple modalities. For example, I use pictures, charts, and maps along with printed text and verbal instruction.
  b. Every year I give my students a learning styles inventory to help them understand their best way of learning and to increase their learning.
  c. I divide my students into verbal and auditory groups on the basis of their learning styles and teach according to their styles.
  d. Based on research about learning preferences, I recommend that students use their preferred style and avoid their weaker styles in order to learn more.

Ques. 2

As the teacher asks questions about the story the students just finished reading, Kylie thinks in pictures and uses visual information. Based on the facets of the visualizer-verbalizer dimension, what might we conclude about Kylie?
  a. Her cognitive spatial ability is low.
  b. She has the phenomenon referred to as the illusion of learning.
  c. Her learning preference is visual and verbal.
  d. Her cognitive style is visualizer.

Ques. 3

All but one of the following students is part of the large group often called Generation 1.5 . Which student does NOT fit the characteristics of Generation 1.5?
  a. Rico was born in the U.S. and lives with his grandmother who immigrated to the U.S. as a child.
  b. Ciera spends most of her time in the U.S., but goes back to Mexico with her family when her dad is out of work.
  c. Tino was born in Serbia, but his parents sent him to the U.S. to get an education when he was in high school.
  d. Giani was born in the U.S. and lives in a Latin community in Los Angeles where everyone speaks Spanish.

Ques. 4

In which of the following situations is the SIOP model being used?
  a. Native English speakers and ELL students are mixed for instruction in two-way immersion.
  b. A checklist is used during observation to assess teaching of ELL students.
  c. ELL students are paired with a native English-speaker for math lessons.
  d. Bilingual teachers teach ELL students in the content areas.

Ques. 5

Mr. Torrence teaches high school English in a typical urban area. If the make-up of students in his classes matches the national norm, approximately how many of his students most likely speak a language other than English at home?
  a. 7
  b. 10
  c. 14
  d. 21

Ques. 6

Which of the following tasks or processes primarily involves bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?
  a. Carlos writes song lyrics and music for his band.
  b. Paige demonstrated the steps for pitching a softball with precision.
  c. Monroe usually finishes his geometry assignments before anyone else in class.
  d. Cayla drew the map for her group's project.

Ques. 7

For the first time in his 14 years of teaching, Mr. Morrow has a gifted student in his American history class. Her name is Ryland, and her IQ score is around 140 . She reads voraciously and delves headstrong into any topic that interests her. She seems to remember everything she reads, sees, or hears. She was accelerated in elementary school, skipping fourth grade. She has never taken an American history class, but she knows a lot of history. Mr. Morrow recognizes his need to learn what to do to challenge Ryland sufficiently and prevent her from becoming bored. He wants her to enjoy learning in his class. He realizes she will know a lot that he doesn't know, but he is determined not to feel threatened by her abilities.
  What strategies and ideas do you recommend to Mr. Morrow that will benefit Ryland the most?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

Tess, a high school junior, is concerned. Her boyfriend has become depressed, acted reclusive, lied about using drugs, and started talking about his uncle's suicide and his own thoughts about suicide. Tess realizes she needs to learn more about suicide and become aware of appropriate ways to deal with her boyfriend's behavior. Which of the following is a MYTH that Tess should know about suicide?
  a. People who die by suicide usually talk about it first and leave clues or hints.
  b. Having a family history of suicide increases the risk that a person will contemplate or attempt suicide.
  c. You should not talk to someone about suicide if you suspect he or she is contemplating suicide.
  d. All types of people commit suicide, and students in rural areas are more likely than urban students to attempt suicide.

Ques. 9

The debate about critical periods and sensitive periods of development is not completely resolved. What is the predominant belief about the critical period for language learning?
  a. There is a critical period for learning accurate language pronunciation.
  b. There is a critical period for mastering the grammar and syntax of a language.
  c. There is a critical period for vocabulary acquisition in a second language.
  d. There is a critical period for English speakers to learn Mandarin and other tonal languages.

Ques. 10

Which child is using outside-in skills?
  a. Randy thinks of all the words he knows that rhyme with the word glad.
  b. Mariana tells a story about going to a baseball game with her dad.
  c. Charlie tells his granddad what sounds the letters make in the word bed.
  d. Trinity writes her name but leaves out two of the letters.
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