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Alaynann Alaynann
Posts: 311
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6 years ago
The textbook distinguishes between teacher-directed and student-directed forms of instruction. Which one of the following best describes how teachers should view these two approaches?
  A) Generally speaking, teacher-directed instruction is more effective than student-directed instruction.
  B) Generally speaking, student-directed instruction is more effective than teacher-directed instruction.
  C) The best approach depends on the characteristics of the students and the goals of instruction.
  D) Teacher-directed instruction is recommended for the elementary and middle school grades; student-directed instruction is recommended for the high school grades.

Ques. 2

As a teacher, you want your students to learn basic concepts in chemistry well enough that they can use them when studying more advanced topics. Of the following choices, the best instructional approach to use for this purpose is:
  A) Hypermedia.
  B) Direct instruction.
  C) Inquiry learning.
  D) Lecture.

Ques. 3

The four students described below are all studying classroom subject matter through computer-based instruction. Which one appears to be working with hypermedia?
  A) Tiffani is dissecting a computer-drawn earthworm on her computer screen by moving the computer mouse and clicking the mouse button to cut or remove various parts of the worm.
  B) Sergio is playing a computer game in which he must solve multiplication problems in order to earn the ammunition he needs to kill invaders from outer space.
  C) Ron is using e-mail to exchange ideas with students across the country.
  D) Elisa reads some text about the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and then clicks on a button on the computer screen to view a photograph of Saddam Hussein.

Ques. 4

Three of the following statements accurately describe cultural and ethnic differences in motivation. Which statement is false?
  A) Compared to other cultural groups, children in Native American families are given very little independence and autonomy.
  B) On average, students from Asian cultures are more concerned about getting good grades than students from other ethnic groups.
  C) Some African American students have a sense of learned helplessness about their ability to achieve school success, perhaps because of prior experiences with racial discrimination.
  D) Compared to their classmates raised in mainstream Western culture, students from Asian cultures are more likely to attribute school success to hard work, rather than to inherited ability.

Ques. 5

Which one of the following teachers is using the recommended approach to evaluating students' achievement in a cooperative learning situation?
  A) Ms. Au has students take notes on what they are learning throughout a cooperative learning session.
  B) Mr. Baer's cooperative groups turn in a research paper co-authored by all group members.
  C) Mr. Craighead's students meet with him in their cooperative groups to explain to him what they have learned during the session.
  D) Ms. Donaldson gives students a quiz over the material that groups have studied; students get extra credit if everyone in their group scores high.

Ques. 6

Three of the following statements describe the benefits of cooperative learning activities. Which statement is least likely to be true about cooperative learning activities?
  A) Students consistently get positive reinforcement for their responses.
  B) Students in a cooperative group can provide scaffolding for one another as they attempt challenging tasks.
  C) Students can model effective thinking skills for one another.
  D) Students' self-efficacy may increase when they have their classmates' assistance.

Ques. 7

Drawing on the guidelines presented in the textbook, choose the topic below that would be most appropriate for a classroom discussion.
  A) Learning how gravity affects the speed with which an object falls to the earth
  B) Learning the various tenses of the verb to be
  C) Studying the history of the United Nations
  D) Interpreting Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven

Ques. 8

The textbook advocates the use of student discussions for promoting co-construction of meaning. Which one of the following student interactions is most likely to be effective in fostering co-constructed meanings?
  A) Two students work together on a crossword puzzle that includes the week's new spelling words.
  B) The students in a cooperative learning group discuss different ways of solving a certain math problem.
  C) When a French teacher begins class by saying, Comment allez vous? the students reply in unison, Trs bien.
  D) Two students help each other prepare for a quiz by giving each other practice test questions.
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 144 times
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