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ashleykali00 ashleykali00
Posts: 366
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6 years ago
All of the following strategies are certainly beneficial, but only one is likely to foster resilience in students who live in difficult and challenging circumstances (e.g., extreme poverty, abusive family members).
  Which strategy is known to foster resilience?
   a. Take a personal interest in students' welfare and show them that they can turn to you in times of need.
   b. Show students how academic tasks are relevant to their personal lives.
   c. Give students both positive and negative feedback when it's appropriate to do so.
   d. Have fewer classroom requirements and be lenient in grading criteria.

Ques. 2

As a teacher, you've just learned that a child with a mild form of an autism spectrum disorder has been assigned to your classroom for the coming year. Which one of the following characteristics is most likely to be true for this student?
  a. Low self-esteem
  b. Poor social skills
  c. General disregard for classroom rules
  d. Virtually no interest in academic subject matter

Ques. 3

All of the following strategies are certainly beneficial, but only one is likely to foster resilience in students who live in difficult and challenging circumstances (e.g., extreme poverty, abusive family members). Which strategy is known to foster resili
  All of the following strategies are certainly beneficial, but only one is likely to foster resilience in students who live in difficult and challenging circumstances (e.g., extreme poverty, abusive family members). Which strategy is known to foster resilience?

Ques. 4

Three of the following are signs that a child is possibly the victim of abuse or neglect at home. Which one is least likely to be a sign of child abuse or neglect?
  a. Low achievement test scores
  b. A tendency to be friendly and outgoing
  c. Greater-than-average knowledge about sex
  d. Coming to school without a jacket in snowy weather

Ques. 5

Which one of the following alternatives best reflects how educators typically define students at risk?
  a. Students with a strong probability of becoming long-term substance abusers
  b. Students unlikely to acquire basic academic skills necessary for long-term success
  c. Students who show a pattern of criminal-like behavior by the age of 14
  d. Students who have had numerous encounters with the criminal justice system

Ques. 6

Three of the following strategies should promote students' moral development. Which one might be beneficial in other ways but would not necessarily promote moral development?
  a. Getting students involved in community service projects
  b. Asking students to wrestle with difficult moral issues
  c. Engaging in moral behavior yourself
  d. Describing how good boys and girls should behave

Ques. 7

Teachers can use three of the following strategies to discourage cheating, which is dishonest and therefore immoral. Which strategy is not as likely to discourage cheating?
  a. Ensure that students have the support they need to complete assignments without cheating
   d. Encourage students to catch one another cheating and regulate it themselves
   b. Ensure that students understand what cheating is by clearly explaining that it includes gaining an unfair advantage over others
   c. Explain the difference between cheating and a collaboration where all collaborators learn something and the work is an honest joint effort
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6 years ago
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