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jyothi2603 jyothi2603
Posts: 356
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Day after day, Raymond's history teacher lectures about the subject matter in a dry, unengaging manner and expects students simply to sit quietly and take notes. To make class a little more exciting for himself and the students sitting nearby,
  Raymond often draws cartoon faces on the tips of his fingers and performs little finger-puppet shows at his desk. Raymond's behavior in class can probably best be explained as:
   a. Satisfying his need for arousal
   b. Reducing cognitive dissonance
   c. Reflecting a high need for self-worth
   d. Satisfying his need for autonomy

Ques. 2

All students strive to fulfill their potential and want to become all that they are capable of becoming. This statement is most consistent with which one of the following theoretical perspectives of motivation?
  a. Attribution theory
  b. Behaviorism
  c. Humanism
  d. Self-worth theory

Ques. 3

Several teachers complain, Our students just aren't motivated. Is it possible that these teachers are describing their students accurately?
  a. No, because virtually all students have motives of one kind or another.
  b. Perhaps, but only if the teachers are working in the elementary grades.
  c. Perhaps, but only if the teachers are working with high school students.
  d. Perhaps, especially if the teachers are working in low-income school districts.

Ques. 4

Three of the following students are not academically engaged. Which one is academically engaged?
  a. As two of the students in Jay's class group discuss the science experiment they just completed, Jay talks to another student about his new iPad.
  b. Sue looks out the window during French class thinking about her soccer game later in the day.
  c. While the rest of the class is writing their papers, Jeremy sits at his desk thinking of ideas for his paper, but does not write anything.
  d. Bill draws cars in his notebook during math class ignoring the lecture his teacher is presenting.

Ques. 5

Students are most likely to do things that in some way result in desirable consequences for themselves. This statement is most consistent with which one of the following theoretical perspectives of motivation?
  a. Attribution theory
   c. Humanism
   d. Self-worth theory
   b. Behaviorism

Ques. 6

Three of the following statements are true about human motivation. Which one is false?
  a. It directs a student's behavior toward a particular goal.
  b. Without it, learning cannot occur.
  c. It is affected by external factors outside of people.
  d. It can lead to improved academic outcomes.

Ques. 7

The four statements below describe effects that motivation may have on learning and/or behavior. Three of the statements are accurate. Which one is not accurate?
  a. Motivation influences the degree to which students engage in activities.
  b. Motivation enhances students' memory for useless information.
  c. Motivation increases students' persistence at tasks.
  d. Motivation influences the choices that students make.

Ques. 8

Which one of the following is definitely an example of affect as psychologists use the term?
  a. Jack wonders why people who live in Australia and New Zealand don't fall off the earth into outer space.
  b. After considerable effort, Ramona finally finds the error she made in her solution to a mathematical word problem.
  c. Charles can't remember where he left the backpack he takes to school each day.
  d. Darby is outraged when she reads about various instances of ethnic cleansing in seemingly civilized countries.
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6 years ago
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jyothi2603 Author
6 years ago
These are correct! Thank you very much!!!
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