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B.edelen B.edelen
Posts: 372
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6 years ago
The following four junior high school science teachers are teaching the concept atom to their students. From Piaget's perspective, some of the students in each classroom are in the formal operations stage and others are at the concrete operations stage.
  In which classroom are the concrete operational students most likely to have difficulty understanding what an atom is like?
   a. Mr. Armani lets students touch and manipulate concrete models of various atoms.
   b. Mr. Bendetti lets students look at the same concrete models that Mr. Armani has used.
   c. Mr. Carmen verbally describes how different elements are made up of different numbers of neutrons, protons, and electrons.
   d. Mr. Davidson has students role-play being neutrons, protons, and electrons. The neutron and proton students huddle together in the middle of the room, and the electrons move around them.

Ques. 2

From the perspective of Vygotsky and the textbook, opportunities to engage in pretend play (e.g., playing house or doctor) have which one of the following effects?
  a. They allow children to practice adult behaviors.
  b. They can promote equilibration.
  c. They are highly enjoyable but have little impact on cognitive development.
  d. They foster traditional gender stereotypes.

Ques. 3

Mr. Wilson will have a student with an intellectual disability included in his class this year. Her name is Tiffany, and Mr. Wilson is considering what changes he should make to his style of teaching to promote her success.
  Which one of the following strategies is least likely to be helpful?
   a. Mr. Wilson will structure his lesson plans so that all of the children can work at their own pace as much as possible. This will allow Tiffany to go as slowly as she needs to in order to succeed.
   b. Mr. Wilson will use the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) to define acceptable behavior in the classroom. He reasons that it will be easier for Tiffany to remember this rule than a more specific list, and it should apply to any unexpected problems that might arise.
   c. Mr. Wilson will have Tiffany work with a parent volunteer three times a week to learn simple addition facts. He gives the volunteer specific guidance about how to help Tiffany remember the facts: Have her say each fact four times in a row and then write the fact four times as well. Review previously learned facts in every session.
   d. Mr. Wilson will make an effort to give Tiffany concrete instructions for new tasks so that she knows exactly what she needs to do.

Ques. 4

Mr. Remignanti asks 9-year-old Anne to divide a pitcher of lemonade equally between two glasses, one each for her and her friend Kate.
  The two glasses are different shapes, with Anne's being tall and thin and Kate's being short and wide. After Anne pours the lemonade, Mr. Remignanti says to her, Look, the lemonade in your glass is higher than the lemonade in Kate's glass. Did you give yourself more than you gave Kate? No, Anne replies, my glass is skinnier. Mr. Remignanti continues to ask Anne questions to determine how well she understands that height compensates for width in this situation. Mr. Remignanti's strategy can best be described as illustrating:
   a. The clinical method
   b. Reciprocal teaching
   c. Distributed intelligence
   d. Plasticity

Ques. 5

A student at an Inuit school in northern Canada is quite a chatterbox in the classroom; in fact, she is often found talking to a classmate when she should be working quietly.
  Based on their cultural beliefs, her Inuit teachers are likely to think that this student:
   a. Has low intelligence
   b. Has strong leadership skills
   c. Has little respect for authority figures
   d. Might benefit from special educational services for the gifted

Ques. 6

Marissa seems to be a born leader. As president of the school service club, she can often persuade her classmates to get involved in school and community service activities.
  Given this information, we could conclude that Marissa has a strength in which one of Gardner's multiple intelligences?
   a. Interpersonal
   b. Spatial
   c. Naturalistic
   d. Bodily-kinesthetic

Ques. 7

Three of the following statements about the roles of heredity and/or environment in intelligence are accurate. Which one is not accurate?
  a. Poor nutrition in the first few years of life can adversely affect intelligence over the long run.
  b. People who are genetically similar to one another tend to have more similar IQ scores than people who are unrelated.
  c. Biologists working in the Human Genome Project have recently identified the chromosome that carries the intelligence gene.
  d. On average, children's performance on intelligence tests has risen around the world, suggesting that improvements in environmental conditions enhance IQ.

Ques. 8

A fourth-grade teacher says, All of my students have strengths in certain areas. For example, some of them are really good at solving math problems.
  Others are really fast readers. Still others have a marvelous ability to make connections among seemingly very different ideas. And a couple of them are walking encyclopedias' of facts about the world. With which one of the following theoretical perspectives is the teacher's statement most consistent?
   a. Cattell's concept of fluid intelligence
   b. Spearman's general factor in intelligence
   c. The Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of cognitive abilities
   d. Distributed intelligence
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6 years ago
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B.edelen Author
6 years ago
These are correct! Thank you very much!!!
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