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Vhansen02 Vhansen02
Posts: 346
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6 years ago
Ms. Edgerton wants to construct an assessment instrument that is a good reflection of what her students have learned from a recent unit on the history of their state.
  To do so, she might best begin by constructing a table of specifications that includes both:
   a. The kinds of questions she wants to ask and the scoring criteria she wants to apply
   b. The topics students have studied and the things they should be able to do with each topic
   c. The topics students have studied and the order in which they have studied them
   d. The kinds of questions she wants to ask and the types of instructions she intends to give students about how to respond

Ques. 2

Which one of the following is the best example of performance assessment?
  a. Having students solve several arithmetic word problems
  b. Giving students a standardized reading comprehension test
  c. Having students write an essay explaining why the three angles of a triangle always total 180 degrees
  d. Having students do as many pushups as they can

Ques. 3

Which one of the following best reflects performance assessment?
  a. Reading a science fiction novel that applies principles currently being studied in a physics class
  b. Explaining in a couple of paragraphs how you solved a geometry problem
  c. Identifying the problem in a car engine that has stalled
  d. Writing an essay explaining how one might address health care issues in developing nations

Ques. 4

Imagine you are a teacher. You don't want your students only to know information, you also want them to be able to analyze information and apply it to new situations.
  To ensure that a classroom assessment measures all of your instructional objectives, you probably should:
   a. Use only authentic assessment
   b. Develop a table of specifications
   c. Use subjective rather than objective assessment tasks as much as possible
   d. Find a suitable standardized test for the subject area you're teaching

Ques. 5

Mr. O'Hara has developed a test of mechanical aptitude. At the beginning of a course in auto mechanics, he gives this test to his students. At the end of the year, he compares students' scores on the test with their actual achievement in his course.
  What is he probably trying to find out about his test?
   a. Its practicality
   b. Its reliability
   c. Its content validity
   d. Its predictive validity

Ques. 6

In which one of the following situations do we definitely have a problem with the content validity of a classroom assessment?
  a. Ms. Arthur assesses her students' overall physical fitness on Monday; she assesses it again the following Monday. Students who perform well one week are not the same ones who perform well the following week.
  b. Ms. Benavidez tells students to study Chapter 14 but mistakenly gives them a test over Chapter 15 instead.
  c. Ms. Candelaria uses a test of mechanical aptitude to determine which students are ready for her physics class. She finds out later that the students who scored lowest on the mechanical aptitude test are some of the best students in physics.
  d. For her class of 35 students, Ms. D'Amato devises a test that must be given to students one at a time and requires two hours for each student.

Ques. 7

Three of the following are recommended strategies for accommodating students with disabilities during educational assessments. Which one is not necessarily recommended?
  a. Excusing a student from an assessment
  b. Giving the assessment in a quieter room
  c. Reading aloud the questions on a paper-pencil test
  d. Giving frequent breaks during the assessment

Ques. 8

Whenever a teacher modifies an assessment to accommodate a student's disability, the teacher must remember that he or she is inevitably reducing:
  a. Reliability
  b. Standardization
  c. Validity
  d. Practicality

Ques. 9

Teachers need to be concerned that any assessment tool they use is actually assessing what it is supposed to assess. In other words, they need to be concerned about the ______ of their assessment practices.
  a. Reliability
  b. Practicality
  c. Standardization
  d. Validity

Ques. 10

Which one of the four RSVP characteristics is definitely compromised when a teacher asks students to complete an assessment activity at home in the evening?
  a. Reliability
  b. Standardization
  c. Validity
  d. Practicality

Ques. 11

Three of the following are questions that arise related to the standardization of an assessment instrument. Which question is not specifically an aspect of standardization?
  a. Are all students being assessed over equivalent content?
  b. Are all students being judged on the basis of similar criteria?
  c. Are students' scores lower when points are taken off for spelling errors?
  d. Are time limits the same for everyone performing the assessment task?
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 55 times
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Vhansen02 Author
6 years ago
Thank you Slight Smile
6 years ago
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