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kellydevenney kellydevenney
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6 years ago
Discuss how you will determine critical skills and how you will embed these in the curriculum or daily routine.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Art centers are often used in early childhood classrooms and provide many creative opportunities for children to be involved. Describe the elements that should be included in an Art Center so that it will function effectively; include materials and tools that should be accessible. What learning will the children gain from participating in this special area?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Name two group projects that would work with preschool children. Describe the positives of using group projects with this age child.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Identify a three dimensional art project for PreK-1 grade children. Briefly describe the benefits of using this project with young children.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

The Reggio Emilia program in Italy has provided new inspiration for the integration of art into early childhood programs because:
  A. It has demonstrated the relationship of art to the thinking and problem solving of young children.
  B. It has included short-term projects that children work on over a long time.
  C. There has been an international traveling exhibit of childrens art work created in the program.
  D. Both A and C.
  E. All of the above.

Question 6

Young children can experience the work of a great artist if:
  A. The child copies some of the artists techniques.
  B. Children have the chance to appreciate and respond to their masterpieces.
  C. The time frame of his or her work is studied.
  D. All of the above.
  E. None of the above.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

10 Clearly describe what critical skills are and how they are determined. Explain how they will be embedded in the classroom by giving three concrete and clearly written examples. Conclude by giving a well-written, in-depth summary of principles for embedding objectives for one or more children.
8 Somewhat clearly describe what critical skills are and how they are determined. Explain how they will be implemented in the classroom by giving three concrete and clear examples. Conclude with a satisfactory summary of principles for embedding objectives for one or more children.
6 Provide a somewhat unclear description of what critical skills are and how they are determined. Explain how they will be implemented in the classroom by giving two or three slightly impractical examples. Conclude by giving an incomprehensive summary of principles for embedding objectives for one or more children.
4 Offer an irrelevant description of what critical skills are and how they are determined. Explain how they will be implemented by giving one or two impractical examples. Conclude by showing misunderstanding of principles for embedding objectives for one or more children.
2 Show little or no understanding of what critical skills are and how they are determined. Provide no sensible plan for implementation and no practical examples. Conclusion is missing or gives less than clear principles for embedding objectives for one or more children.

Ans. to #2

An art center should be located near water or with a way to bring water to the space. It should include a variety of paper choices including a selection of colors, sizes, and textures. Tools may include brushes of different sizes, paint rollers, scissors, glue, hole-punch, and other objects. Paint options should include tempera, water color, chalk, and charcoal. A junk box with scraps, pieces of fabric, cardboard, foil, and other materials could provide additional stimulation for creating. Low tables should provide a place to sit or stand as the children work on projects. The area should be aesthetically attractive with artwork of children and great artists. Materials should be clearly displayed and labeled so children can see their options and make choices. It would be helpful to have a place to store and display work in process so the children can return to refine and revisit their work.
Much learning can take place in this area as children make choices, problem solve, use language, develop small motor skills, and build their confidence in their capabilities in the arts. They also refine social skills as they collaborate on individual and group work.

Ans. to #3

A mural can be done on a specific topic or theme. For example, the mural can focus on beauty in the woods with each child painting something they see in this natural environment.
The benefits are many and include learning to cooperate with others, making a decision about what he or she will contribute, recognizing how their art enriched the mural, and expanding their language by listening and interacting with the group.

Ans. to #4

Answers will vary.
Children and the teacher collect small cardboard boxes of varying sizes (toothpaste, jewelry, small cereal boxes, small milk containers, etc.). The group will discuss and determine what they will build with these boxes. The boxes can be glued, taped, or attached to a heavy piece of cardboard. Later, the children can determine how the boxes will be decorated and displayed. Each child who has contributed to the three-dimensional structure will have their name included in the display of the work. This project will provide many benefits to the children involved including a different way of creating art, collaborating with others to make decisions, problem solving how to attach the boxes to the base, using language in meaningful interactions, and building self-confidence as they recognize their contribution to the project.

Ans. to #5

Answer: D

Ans. to #6

Answer: B
kellydevenney Author
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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