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bah1234 bah1234
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6 years ago
How can public opinion polling link public preferences and public policy? Why are some people concerned about public opinion polling?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 2

Why is the creation of political parties necessary in a representative democracy?
  a. They are necessary mechanisms to ensure that the individuals we choose to represent us are responsive and responsible.
  b. The existence of political parties is necessary to ensure order in a democracy; otherwise anarchy would exist.
  c. Political parties provide elected officials with support and legal strength when confronted by corrupt special interest groups.
  d. They are necessary to maintain balance and order and to prevent any single person from gaining too much strength politically.

 Q. 3

How do voting rates differ across social and demographic groups in Texas? Why do so many Texans not vote in elections? Does it matter that voter turnout is low?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 4

What different types of polls are used by political campaigns and the media during campaigns? Are there ethical concerns with any of the polls?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

How do elitists and pluralists view the proper role of public opinion in democracies? To what extent does the reality of Texas politics reflect their views? Do you think that public opinion should be more or less influential in shaping public policy? Why?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 6

Compare and contrast opinions of different social and demographic groups of Texans. How do group memberships impact individuals?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 7

What are the agents of political socialization and how do they influence individuals' political attitudes, beliefs, and behavior? What agent seems most important in shaping the beliefs of you and your peers? Why do you think this is the case?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Explain that public opinion polls can provide government officials with information about public preferences and allow them to act in accordance.
2. Discuss controversies surrounding polls, such as overreliance on them in crafting messages by politicians, the potential for polls to shape opinion rather than vice versa, media use and coverage of polls (e.g. horse-race coverage), and problems for polling related to technology.

Ans. to #2

Answer: a

Ans. to #3

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Compare and contrast voting rates as a function of education, income, gender, and race and ethnicity.
2. Identify potential reasons for nonvoting, such as lack of information, not caring, cynicism, distrust, alienation, cost-benefit calculations, and busyness.
3. State and defend a position regarding low voter turnout.

Ans. to #4

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Briefly identify and explain benchmark polls, tracking polls, exit polls, and push polls.
2. Discuss the real aims of push polls and the views of the American Association of Political Consultants on them.

Ans. to #5

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Explain the elitist and pluralist perspectives on the role of the connection between public opinion and public policy.
2. Contrast Texas with states that provide for recall elections, referenda, and initiatives.
3. Explain that the reality of Texas politics is a mix of elitism and pluralism, depending on things like the levels of public information and attentiveness regarding issues.
4. State and defend a position regarding the role of public opinion in shaping public policy.

Ans. to #6

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Compare and contrast opinions as a function of party identification, gender, race and ethnicity, education, religiosity, and age.
2. Define and explain crosscutting cleavages and intersectionality.
3. Explain that individuals often belong to multiple groups that can impact their beliefs in different, and potentially opposing, ways.

Ans. to #7

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Define and explain political socialization.
2. Identify agents of socialization (including family, schools, peers and community, media, religion, and events) and explain how each can influence political beliefs.
3. Identify an agent as most important and provide an explanation of why it is the most important.
bah1234 Author
6 years ago
I hope they're paying you for this because all of them were correct Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
6 years ago
not really, just a volunteer... and you're welcome Wink Face
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