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Mrpkerzz Mrpkerzz
Posts: 491
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6 years ago
Children who function well despite exposure to risk factors for disorder or overcoming even severe early problems to become well adjusted are said to be
  a. compliant.
  b. resilient.
  c. indifferent.
  d. externalizers.

Question 2

Individuals with high levels of mastery motivation _____ challenges and _____ in the face of failure.
  a. thrive on; quit
  b. avoid; quit
  c. thrive on; persist
  d. avoid; persist

Question 3

In a 14-year follow-up of children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems, about _____ percent still had significant problems in adulthood.
  a. 10
  b. 20
  c. 30
  d. 40

Question 4

Individuals who believe that abilities and talents are malleable have a(n) _____ mindset.
  a. fixed
  b. growth
  c. internal
  d. external

Question 5

How many of the following (having a clinically depressed father, living in a disturbed family environment, residing in a stressful environment) would the diathesis-stress model consider as risk factors for a child exhibiting a psychological disorder?
  a. 0
  b. 1
  c. 2
  d. 3

Question 6

Preschool programs that emphasize _____ appear to be of the most benefit to children, especially those from disadvantaged families.
  a. play but not academic skill-building
  b. academic skill-building but not play
  c. academic skill-building and play
  d. overregularization and academic skill-building
Read 53 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

Mrpkerzz Author
6 years ago
Just confirmed the same answer from my friend, thanks
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