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6 years ago
Jimarcus is an African American high school junior. Helikes his environmental science course, but is one of only two African American students in the class. He makes good grades on homework and in-class activities, but seldom volunteers answers. Mr. Cooke, his teacher, notices that Jimarcus uses spare time to read about environmental issues, and Jimarcus told Mr. Cooke about conducting his own small projects out of class. Mr. Cooke concludes that Jimarcus has a passion for this area of study, though African American students seldom take the class or succeed in science classes at this high school. Today the class takes the mid-term exam, and Mr. Cooke notices that Jimarcus acts anxious. He asks Jimarcus if he's ready, and Jimarcus says he's not sure. During the exam, Jimarcus continues to act nervous. He is the last student to turn in his paper.
  How would you explainJimarcus's behavior?
  What might the teacher do to help him overcome this behavior?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Mrs. Evans is a new teacher in a diverse community. The students in her classroom come from a broad range of racial and ethnic groups. About one-fourth of her students are immigrants from other countries. Altogether they represent many cultural backgrounds. Her principal advisesMrs. Evansto use culturally relevant pedagogy. Mrs. Evans is not sure what the principal means, but she wants to learn. She comes to you for help. First, explain culturally relevant pedagogy.
  Then describe specific actionsMrs. Evans should take to apply guidelines for culturally relevant pedagogy.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

The greatest gaps in academic achievement in the United States are between students from low-income families and students of wealthier families. In the first part of this essay question, describe at least three factors that may explain the lower achievement of many low-SES students in schools. In the second part of this essay question, explain what teachers can do to help children from low-SES families succeed and narrow the gap.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Mrs. O'Connor wants to use groups in her diverse fourth grade classroom. What should she do if she wants to follow the guidelines for culturally relevant teaching?
  a. Allow students to self-select their groups for each task
  b. Organize heterogeneous groups of four or five students
  c. Assign students to homogeneous groups on the basis of race/ethnicity
  d. Avoid using small groups to protect students against biases

Ques. 5

Which of the following teachers is most likely to struggle and fail to meet challenges of teaching in a multicultural classroom?
  a. A teacher who gives significantly more positive feedback to struggling students than to privileged students
  b. A teacher who places strong emphasis on academics and has high expectations combined with caring support
  c. A teacher who provides context for skill learning and establishes clear reasons for needing to learn the skills
  d. A teacher who balances routine skill learning with novel and complex tasks at all stages of learning

Ques. 6

Which teacher is appropriately applying current advice regarding learning styles research and teaching?
  a. Mr. Newell is sensitive to differences in learning preferences and provides alternative paths to learning.
  b. Ms. Cardova consistently uses one teaching strategy and encourages students to adapt accordingly.
  c. Ms. Studdard has several African American students in her class and focuses primarily on auditory presentation of information to help these students learn.
  d. Mr. Delgado uses a highly structured approach in teaching because he believes it prepares students for the workplace.

Ques. 7

Which of the following teachers uses language that perpetuates gender bias?
  a. Mr. Kotts invites two firefighters to discuss fire danger.
  b. Ms. Arensen opens the floor for nominations for a committee chair.
  c. Mr. Goodeau talks to his students about the role of mail carriers.
  d. Mrs. Woodson asks her students if any of them know a policeman.

Ques. 8

Josh speaks English, but also learned Choctaw from his grandmother. She grew up on a reservation, but now she lives with Josh and his parents. His parents do not speak Choctaw, though Josh's dad learned Choctaw as a child.Josh's parents believe it's important for Josh to assimilate into mainstream culture and leave the heritage language and culture behind.
  Why should Josh be encouraged to maintain the heritage language he's learning from his grandmother?Present a persuasive case thatsomeone might deliver to Josh's parents to convince them that Josh should maintain hisChoctaw heritage language.
  What will be an ideal response?
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