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palantriel palantriel
Posts: 464
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6 years ago
The income gap between the richest and the poorest 20 percent of the world population:
  a. is greater in urban than in rural areas.
 b. has significantly decreased.
 c. is beginning to decline.
 d. continues to widen.

Question 2

Define and explain mental illness and mental disorders and describe the treatment of each in the United States.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Low-income countries are primarily __________ nations with little industrialization and low levels of national and personal income.
  a. service-oriented
  b. pastoral
  c. urbanized
  d. agrarian

Question 4

__________ refers to a marriage between two partners, usually a woman and a man.
  a. Homogamy
 b. Polygamy
 c. Monogamy
 d. Polyandry

Question 5

Summarize the symbolic interactionist perspective in relation to health and medicine.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

__________ is a legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity.
  a. Marriage
 b. Cohabitation
 c. Trial separation
 d. Monogamous experimentation
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2

Many medical professionals distinguish between a mental disordera condition that makes it difficult or impossible for a person to cope with everyday lifeand mental illness

a condition in which a person has a severe mental disorder requiring extensive treatment with medication, psychotherapy, and sometimes hospitalization.

The most widely accepted classification of mental disorders is the American Psychiatric Association's (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Many people seeking psychiatric assistance are treated with medications or psychotherapywhich is believed to help patients understand the underlying reasons for their problem and sometimes treatment in psychiatric wards of local hospitals or in private psychiatric hospitals. However, the introduction of new psychoactive drugs to treat mental disorders and the deinstitutionalization movement in the 1960s have created dramatic changes in how people with mental disorders are treated. Deinstitutionalization refers to the practice of rapidly discharging patients from mental hospitals into the community. Originally devised as a solution for the problem of warehousing mentally ill patients in large, prison-like mental hospitals in the first half of the twentieth century, deinstitutionalization is now viewed as a problem by many social scientists. The theory behind this process was that patients' rights were being violated because many patients experienced involuntary commitment (i.e., without their consent) to the hospitals, where they remained for extended periods of time. Instead, some professionals believed that the patients' mental disorders could be controlled with proper medications and treatment from community-based mental health services.

Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5

In studying health, symbolic interactionists focus on the meanings that social actors give their illness or disease and how these affect people's self-concept and relationships with others. According to symbolic interactionists, we socially construct health and illness and how both should be treated. For example, some people explain disease by blaming it on those who are ill. If we attribute cancer to the acts of a person, we can assume that we will be immune to that disease if we do not engage in the same behavior.

Nonsmokers who learn that a lung cancer victim had a two-pack-a-day habit feel comforted that they are unlikely to suffer the same fate.

Although biological characteristics provide objective criteria for determining medical conditions such as heart disease, tuberculosis, or cancer, there is also a subjective component to how illness is defined. This subjective component is very important when we look at conditions such as childhood hyperactivity, mental illness, alcoholism, drug abuse, cigarette smoking, and overeating, all of which have been medicalized. The term medicalization refers to the process whereby nonmedical problems become defined and treated as illnesses or disorders. Medicalization may occur on three levels: (1) the conceptual level (e.g., the use of medical terminology to define the problem); (2) the institutional level (e.g., physicians are supervisors of treatment and gatekeepers to applying for benefits); and (3) the interactional level (e.g., when physicians treat patients' conditions as medical problems).

Sociologists often refer to habitual gambling as the medicalization of deviance because it gives physicians and other medical professionals greater authority to determine what should be considered normal and acceptable behavior and to establish the appropriate mechanisms for controlling deviant behaviors. Medicalization is a two-way process: Just as conditions can be medicalized, so can they be demedicalized. Demedicalization refers to the process whereby a problem ceases to be defined as an illness or a disorder. Examples include the removal of certain behaviors (such as homosexuality) from the list of mental disorders compiled by the American Psychiatric Association and the deinstitutionalization of mental health patients. Symbolic interactionists examine how doctors and patients interact in health care settings. Some physicians may hesitate to communicate certain kinds of medical information to patients, such as why they are prescribing certain medications or what side effects or drug interactions may occur.

Answer to q. 6

palantriel Author
6 years ago
6 years ago
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