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dakota98 dakota98
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6 years ago
Social scientists refer to _____ as the pattern of individuals marrying those who have similar characteristics such as race/ethnicity, religious background, age, education, and/or social class.
  a. egalitarianism
 b. endogamy
 c. exogamy
 d. heterogamy

Question 2

_____ groups function as agents of socialization by contributing to our sense of belonging and our feelings of self-worth. They provide children with an opportunity for successful adaptation to situations such as gaining access to ongoing play, protecting shared activities from intruders, and building solidarity and mutual trust during ongoing activities.
  a. Socialb. Reference
 c. Peer d. Primary

Question 3

Explain the major components of social control theory and Hirschi's social bonding theory.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

In the United States, most people practice _____. They marry people who come from the same social class, racial/ethnic group, religious affiliation, and other categories considered important within their own social group.
  a. exogamy b. egalitarianism
 c. heterogamy d. endogamy

Question 5

A _____ group is a group of people who are linked by common interests, equal social position, and (usually) similar age.
  a. reference b. peer
 c. social d. primary

Question 6

Explain the labeling theory of deviance.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Most people's behavior is shaped by cultural rules._____ is the practice of marrying within one's own group.
  a. Exogamy b. Homogamy
 c. Endogamy d. Heterogamy

Question 8

A(n) _____ institution is a place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and come under the control of the officials who are in charge of that place. Examples include military boot camps, jails and prisons, and concentration camps.
  a. socializing b. authority
 c. total d. complete
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3

According to Reckless, society produces pushes and pulls that move people toward

criminal behavior however, some people insulate themselves from such pressures by

having positive self-esteem and good group cohesion. Reckless suggests that people

refrain from deviance because of inner and outer containments. Inner containments are

things such as self-control, a sense of responsibility, and resistance to diversions. Outer

containments include things like supportive family and friends, reasonable social

expectations, and supervision by others. Those with the strongest containment

mechanisms are able to withstand external pressures that might cause them to

participate in deviant behavior. Hirschi's social control theory is based on the

assumption that deviant behavior is minimized when people have strong bonds that bind

them to families, schools, peers, churches, and other social institutions. Social bonding

theory holds that the probability of deviant behavior increases when a person's ties to

society are weakened or broken. According to Hirschi, social bonding consists of (1)

attachments to other people, (2) commitment to conformity, (3) involvement in

conventional activities, and (4) belief in the legitimacy of conventional values and


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

Labeling theory states that deviance is a socially constructed process in which social

control agencies designate certain people as deviants, and they, in turn, come to accept

the label placed upon them and begin to act accordingly. Based on the symbolic

interactionist theory of Cooley and Mead, labeling theory focuses on the labels that

people are given in their interactions with others. Becker argues that the rules for what

constitutes deviant or conventional behavior are made by moral entrepreneurs who use

their own perspectives on right and wrong to establish the rules by which they expect

other people to live. Moral entrepreneurs have greater power than others and the

ability to label nonconformists deviant. Lemert outlined three stages in the labeling

process: (1) primary deviance refers to the initial act of rule breaking (2) secondary

deviance occurs when a person who has been labeled deviant accepts that new identity

and continues the deviant behavior and (3) tertiary deviance occurs when a person

who has been labeled a deviant seeks to normalize the behavior by relabeling it as


Answer to q. 7


Answer to q. 8

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6 years ago
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