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tyrich tyrich
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6 years ago
Which nation was not an ally of the United States during World War I?
 a. Austria-Hungary.
  b. Britain.
  c. France.
  d. Russia.

Question 2

The economic system envisioned by the Constitution _________.
 a. embodied Adam Smith's emphasis on protecting private property
  b. used the Civil Code of France, rather than the English Common Law, as its foundation.
  c. enshrined the traditional 18th century model of mercantilism which allowed the government to have large control over private ownership of goods and services
  d. fostered Jefferson's idea of a democracy based primarily on agriculture

Question 3

One of the causes of World War I was _________.
 a. the deteriorating standards of living in Europe.
  b. the assassination in Serbia of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand.
  c. Europe had experienced several wars in recent decades that spilled over into World War I.
  d. the European working class was increasingly fractured and nationalistic.

Question 4

The writings of the 18th century economist _____________ greatly influenced Constitutional provisions regarding private property rights.
 a. John Maynard Keynes
  b. Alfred Marshall
  c. Adam Smith
  d. John Hicks

Question 5

Which of the following is most accurate about the US during World War I?
 a. Long-standing nationalistic and imperialistic rivalries produced a dangerous political situation.
  b. The continent had experienced several major wars in the preceding decades.
  c. Industrialization and a greater commitment to international trade had created rapidly rising standards of living.
  d. There was rising solidarity among the labor movements of different nations.

Question 6

What was not one of the Constitutional compromises about slavery?
 a. Limited the importation of slaves to 20 years
  b. Northern states had to abide by the Southern states' slavery laws
  c. Prevented imported slaves from being taxed
  d. Slaves counted a 60 of a person for congressional representation

Question 7

To pay for WW I, the national debt was expanded from ___ percent of GDP at the beginning of the war to ___ percent of GDP by the end of the war.
 a. 1; 5
  b. 2; 13
  c. 3; 32
  d. The national debt did not expand due to reparations payments.

Question 8

Initially the Constitution:
 a. empowered each state to negotiate its own treaties with foreign governments.
  b. provided for each slave to be counted as 1 person in determining a state's membership in the House of Representatives.
  c. gave the federal government the exclusive power to coin money.
  d. allowed states to set tariffs on goods imported from another state.
  e. All of the above.

Question 9

Which of the following is least accurate about the US during World War I?
 a. The armed forces increased from about 180,000 to 3 million.
  b. Soldiers were obtained through volunteer army and without a draft.
  c. Many new agencies were started to regulate prices.
  d. The US was a formal participant in the war for only 19 months.

Question 10

The Constitution:
 a. empowers each state to negotiate its own treaties with foreign governments.
  b. empowers the Congress to pay off all public debts, including those incurred by the states.
  c. allows for states to set tariffs on goods imported from another state.
  d. allows only the Congress to set tariffs on goods moving from one state to another.

Question 11

A monopolistically competitive industry may feature
 a. excess capacity.
  b. extraordinary profits.
  c. product differentiation.
  d. All of the above are correct.
  e. Only b and c are correct.
Read 47 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

a. Austria-Hungary.

Answer to q. 2

a. embodied Adam Smith's emphasis on protecting private property

Answer to q. 3

b. the assassination in Serbia of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand.

Answer to q. 4

c. Adam Smith

Answer to q. 5

b. The continent had experienced several major wars in the preceding decades.

Answer to q. 6

c. Prevented imported slaves from being taxed.

Answer to q. 7

c. 3; 32

Answer to q. 8

c. gave the federal government the exclusive power to coin money.

Answer to q. 9

b. Soldiers were obtained through volunteer army and without a draft.

Answer to q. 10

b. empowers the Congress to pay off all public debts, including those incurred by the states.

Answer to q. 11

d. All of the above are correct.
tyrich Author
6 years ago
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