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Justin65 Justin65
Posts: 31
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6 years ago
1.   Which of the following statements about the relationship between DNA molecules and chromatids is correct?

a.  Each chromatid contains a single linear DNA molecule.
b.  Each chromatid contains a large number of circular DNA molecules.
c.  The number of DNA molecules per chromatid varies between one and two depending on the time in the cell cycle.
d.  The number of DNA molecules per chromatid is described by the term ploidy.  Thus, diploid cells contain two, tetraploid four, etc.
e.  Each gene is a DNA molecule, and chromosomes contain many genes, therefore each chromatid contains a large number of linear DNA molecules.

2.   Which of the following terms refers to structures with similar, but not identical, DNA molecules?

a. diploids
b. homologous chromosomes
c. sister chromatids
d. homologs
e. choices b and d are both correct

3.   How many chromosomes and how many chromatids are present in a haploid cell during metaphase if a diploid cell from the organism has 48 chromosomes during G1?

a) 24 and 24; 
b) 24 and 48; 
c) 48 and 48; 
d) 48 and 96; 
e) 96 and 96.

4.   Which of the following statements about meiosis is correct?

a.  One purpose of meiosis is to assure that sexual reproduction does not double the amount of DNA per cell each generation.
b.  One purpose of meiosis is to assure that daughter cells are essentially identical.
c.  One purpose of meiosis is to provide a large amount of variation within a population.
d.  Choices a and c are both correct.
e.  Choices a, b, and c are all correct.

5.   What is a major difference between Prophase of Meiosis I and Prophase of Meiosis II?

a.  DNA synthesis occurs in Prophase I, but not in Prophase II.
b.  Recombination occurs in Prophase I, but not in Prophase II.
c.  The spindle forms in Prophase II, but not Prophase I.
d.  Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell in Prophase I.  Chromosomes do not line up in Prophase II.
e.  Choices b and c are both correct.

6.   A diploid brain cell from a female mouse has 22 chromosomes in Metaphase.  How many chromosomes and how many chromatids are present in prophase of meiosis II in this mouse?

a.  11 chromosomes and 11 chromatids
b.  11 chromosomes and 22 chromatids
c.  22 chromosomes and 11 chromatids
d.  22 chromosomes and 22 chromatids
e.  22 chromosomes and 44 chromatids

7.   A Drosophila melanogaster  sperm cell has four chromosomes.  How many DNA molecules, how many chromatids, and how many chromosomes are present in a Drosophila  cell nucleus during metaphase  of Meiosis I?

a.  4 DNA Molecules, 4 chromatids, and 4 chromosomes
b. 8 DNA Molecules, 8 chromatids, and 4 chromosomes
c. 8 DNA Molecules, 8 chromatids, and 8 chromosomes
d. 16 DNA Molecules, 8 chromatids, and 8 chromosomes
e. 16 DNA Molecules, 16 chromatids, and 8 chromosomes
8.   A tetraploid marigold cell has 48 chromosomes in its nucleus during the G1 portion of the mitotic cell cycle.  How many chromosomes are  present in a cell from the same plant which is in the metaphase of meiosis II?

a. 96
b. 48
c. 24
d. 12
e. 6

9.   The transmission of traits from one generation to another is called:

      a.) genetic recombination.      b.) meiosis.
      c.) gene transmission.         d.) inheritance.

10.   Chromosomes in a pair that have the same length, staining pattern, and centromere position are known as_________________.

      a.) homolougues.      b.) sister chromatids
      c.) somatic chromosomes.   d.) none of the above.

11.   Gametes are produced by ____________ which takes place in the _____________ part of the life cycle.

a.) mitosis, haploid.      b.) mitosis, diploid.
c.) meiosis, diploid.      d.) meiosis, haploid.

12.   Which of the following is not true about alleles?

a.) Alleles are another name for sister chromatids.
b.) Alleles are alternate versions of genes.
c.) Alleles account for the variation in inherited characters.
d.) All of the above are true.

13.   What are the resulting probabilities of a cross between QQ and Qq?

a.) 25% QQ: 50% Qq: 25% qq      b.) 50% QQ: 25 Qq: 25% qq
c.) 50% QQ: 50% Qq         d.) 75% QQ: 25% Qq

14.   Cyctic Fibrosis is an example of __________________.?

a.) plieotrophy      b.) multiple alleles
c.) epistasis         d.) incomplete dominance

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Staff Member
6 years ago
Please post one question at a time. Here is the solution;

1.  a.  Each chromatid contains a single linear DNA molecule.

2.   b. homologous chromosomes

3.   a) 24 and 24;

4.   Which of the following statements about meiosis is correct?

a. d.  Choices a and c are both correct.

5.   b.  Recombination occurs in Prophase I, but not in Prophase II.

6.   b.  11 chromosomes and 22 chromatids

7.  e. 16 DNA Molecules, 16 chromatids, and 8 chromosomes
8.   c. 24

9.  d.) inheritance.

10.   a.) homolougues.     

11.  c.) meiosis, diploid.     

12.    a.) Alleles are another name for sister chromatids.

13.  c.) 50% QQ: 50% Qq 

14.  a.) plieotrophy   
Justin65 Author
6 years ago
Thank you Slight Smile
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