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Aliya1 Aliya1
Posts: 351
Rep: 7 0
5 years ago
Select one:
a. DNA ligase
b. RNA polymerase
c. restriction enzymes
d. DNA polymerase
#36.The fused cell is cultured and is implanted as a multi-celled embryo. During the step where the fused cell begins dividing normally, the cells of the future clone undergo
Select one:
a. gene splicing
b. fertilization
c. mitosis
d. meiosis

#37. Use the following information to answer the next question.

DNA fingerprinting involves using restriction enzymes to cut DNA at a specific sequence, resulting in many fragments of different lengths. Gel electrophoresis then separates the fragments according to size. DNA fingerprints produced from four different individuals is shown below.( see attachment for the image)
The DNA for Individuals 3 and 4 could NOT be
Select one:
a. mitochondrial DNA from two people who have the same maternal grandmother (both their mothers had the same mother)
b. nuclear DNA from identical twins
c. mitochondrial DNA from two people who have the same paternal grandmother (both their fathers had the same mother)
d. nuclear DNA isolated from a hair left at a crime scene and a buccal swab from a suspect who was present at the crime
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Aliya1 Author
5 years ago
hi bio_man, thank you for getting back with me Wink Face
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