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derro derro
Posts: 866
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5 years ago
Match the following situations with the fund or nonfund account best suited to account for it. A fund or nonfund account may be used more than once.  The funds and nonfunds accounts are:

A   Agency Fund   G   General Long-Term Liability Accounts
B   Capital Projects Fund   H   Internal Service Fund
C   Debt Service Fund   I   Pension Trust Fund
D   Enterprise Fund   J   Permanent Fund
E   General Capital Asset accounts   K   Private Purpose Trust Fund
F   General Fund   L   Special Revenue Fund

1.   The operations of a city bus line receiving all its funding from user charges.
2.   Receipts from a special fishing tax restricted to maintain the (no-charge) public fishing pier.
3.   Collects taxes withheld from employees throughout the government and makes payments to the appropriate government for these withholdings.
4.   Donation to the city to be invested in perpetuity with the earnings from that investment to help maintain city parks.
5.   The activities of a central motor pool that provides and services vehicles for the use of municipal employees on official business.
6.   The segregation of resources accumulated to pay principal and interest on long-term debt of the general government.
7.   The levy and collection of property taxes for general operations of a city.
8.   Used to account for acquisition of major capital assets.
9.   Accounts for contributions by the government and employees to be invested and paid to employees after retirement.
10.   Amounts owed to general government bondholders that must be paid in the future.
11.   Used to account for land, buildings, and equipment owned by the government.
12.   Activities whose management requires a periodic measurement of revenues and expenses, and whose customers are the general public.
13.   Receipts from a special tax levy to retire and pay interest on general obligation bonds issued to finance the construction of a new city hall.
14.   Donation to the city where the principal is to remain intact forever and the earnings are to be used to benefit the Boy Scout and Girl Scout organizations in the city.
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting

Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting

Edition: 11th
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2 hours ago
Good timing, thanks!
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