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honey lemon honey lemon
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5 years ago
When you hyperventilate (breathe too fast), respiratory alkalosis (elevated blood pH) can occur, which can cause you to faint. A common but potentially dangerous method to reverse respiratory alkalosis is to hold a paper bag over your mouth and take normal breaths, thereby rebreathing the exhaled air. How might this method reverse respiratory alkalosis?
A) Inhaling oxygen exhaled into the bag will cause oxygen to diffuse back into the blood and react with water to form carbonic acid, and blood pH will decrease.
B) Inhaling oxygen exhaled into the bag will cause oxygen to diffuse back into the blood and react with water to form carbonic acid, and blood pH will increase.
C) Inhaling carbon dioxide exhaled into the bag will cause carbon dioxide to diffuse back into the blood and react with water to form carbonic acid, and blood pH will increase.
D) Inhaling carbon dioxide exhaled into the bag will cause carbon dioxide to diffuse back into the blood and react with water to form carbonic acid, and blood pH will decrease.
Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Edition: 8th
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