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5 years ago
Answers to Review Questions

1.   List the advantages of using systems analysis and design techniques in approaching computerized information systems for business.

System analysis and design techniques provide the analyst with a systematic procedure for analyzing data input, UML diagrams or data flow, and information output; furthermore, the techniques can improve the functioning of business.

2.   Why is security of information systems an important consideration in systems development and design

Developing privacy controls and security by design, from the outset of systems design, is much more desirable and effective than adding it to older, legacy systems.

3.   List three roles that the systems analyst is called upon to play. Provide a definition for each one.

The three roles of a system analyst are:

A.   Consultant—hired from outside an organization to address information systems issues within that organization.
B.   Supporting Expert—serves as a resource for those who are managing a systems project.
C.   Change Agent—an analyst who serves as a catalyst for change, develops a plan for change, and works with others in facilitating that change.

4.   What personal qualities are helpful to the systems analyst? List them.

Personal qualities helpful to systems analysts include:

A.   Problem-solving abilities
B.   Communication skills
C.   Computer experience
D.   Self-discipline and self-motivation
E.   Project management capabilities

5.   List and briefly define the seven phases of the systems development life cycle (S D L C).

The seven phases of the S D L C are:

A.   Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives—recognizing problems and opportunities confronting the business and determining business objectives.
B.   Determining information requirements—understanding what information users need to perform their jobs.
C.   Analyzing system needs—structured analysis of information needs and decision making.
D.   Designing the recommended system—logical design of the information system.
E.   Developing and documenting software—structured development of software and documentation.
F.   Testing and maintaining the system—testing and revising the system.
G.   Implementing and evaluating the system—training users and reviewing system.

6.   What are C A S E tools used for?

The reasons for using C A S E tools are:

A.   Increasing analyst productivity
B.   Improving analyst-user communication
C.   Integrating life cycle activities

7.   Define what is meant by the agile approach?

The agile approach is based on values, principles, and core practices. It values communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage.

8.   What is the meaning of the phrase “the planning game”?

The planning game spells out rules that can help formulate the agile development team’s relationship with their business customers. The rules are a basis for building and maintaining a relationship.

9.   What are the stages in agile development?

The five stages in agile development are exploration, planning, iterations to the first release, productionizing, and maintenance.

10.   What is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile method focused on extremely quick releases.

11.   Define term object-oriented analysis and design.

Object-oriented analysis and design are techniques intended to facilitate the development of systems that must change rapidly in response to dynamic business environments.

12.   What is U M L?

UML is the Unified Modeling Language, a standardized object-oriented language used to break down a system into a use case model.

13.   What is open source software?

Open source software is when many users and programmers can study, share, and modify the code, or computer instructions.

14.   What is the role of a systems analyst in the development of open source software?

They must first prove themselves worthy members of the group, and then strike up and maintain relationships that are mutually beneficial.

15.   List two reasons an organization may want its analysts to participate in an open source community.

Two reasons that an organization may want its analysts to participate in an open source community are curiosity about software benefits and to achieve collective design.

Central Pacific University—Problems

1.   From the introductory conversation Chip and Anna shared, which elements mentioned might suggest the use of C A S E tools?

C A S E tools would be used to help Chip and Anna communicate with each other and share portions of the design that they have completed.

Because there are many users for the Computer System, C A S E tools will help to facilitate communication among the users and analyst and document the information that they have received as a result of interviews, document analysis, and questionnaires.
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2 years ago

System analysis and style techniques offer the analyst with a scientific procedure for analyzing knowledge input, data flow, and data output; what is more, the techniques will improve the functioning of the business.


The 3 roles of a system analyst are:

A. Consultant--hired from outside a company to handle data systems problems at intervals that organization.

B. Supporting Expert--serves as a resource for those that square measure managing a systems project.

C. modification Agent--an analyst UN agency is a catalyst for modification develops a thought for modification and works with others in facilitating that modification.


Personal qualities useful to systems analysts include:

A. Problem-solving skills

B.Communication skills

C.Computer expertise

D.Self-discipline and self-motivation

E.Project management capabilities


The seven phases of the SDLC are:

A. characteristic issues, opportunities, and objectives--recognizing issues and opportunities endeavor the business and determinant business objectives.

B. determinant data requirements--understanding what data users have to be compelled to perform their jobs.

C. Analyzing system desires--structured analysis of knowledge needs and deciding.

D. planning the suggested system--a logical style of the knowledge system.

E. Developing and documenting package--structured development of software and documentation.

F. Testing and maintaining the system--testing and redaction the system.

G. Implementing and evaluating the system--training users and reviewing system.
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