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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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5 years ago
Environmental scanning is a useful tool to create awareness and knowledge of how
information relates to current environmental conditions. It is usually specific
to a topic. For this course the topic is microeconomics, or any aspect
of that topic that is discussed in the text. The process involves perusing and
gathering articles from various media sources that pertain to that topic. The
sources must be as reliable as possible and should be current (not more than one
week old if possible). Sources can include all news web sites, business
databases from the library web site, newspaper and magazine sites, and any other
source that can provide up-to-date, reliable information. The article does not
necessarily have to apply to any particular chapter information, it just needs
to pertain to (micro)economics in some way. This should be specified in
the summary and/or the impact statement. The whole purpose of this is to tie the
text book to real life and to explain how the economy affects all
of us in various ways. The process includes preparing a page of information that
 includes the following:
1. The title of the article
2. The source of the article
3. The date of the article
4. The url for the article
5. The author of the article
6. A good, strong summary of the article
7. An explanation as to how the information in that article could possibly
impact you, now or in the future.
This information can be transposed onto a word document and then deposited in
the drop box whenever you decide to do this. These count 20 points each and any
article over ten will count as extra credit. The criteria for grading these is:
the article can be no older than 7 days, it must be from a reliable source, you
much include all the information required, and the submission must have your
name on it. If you are working with a team this can be a team project, so only
ten are required by the entire team (not each person individually). If there are
 any questions about this or if there is anything you do not understand, please
 ask me and I will attempt to explain. Below is a sample:
Title of Article: More Restaurants Are Banning Tips. That Might Be A Good Thing.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com
Date: 5 May 2014
The url:
Author: Juliette Michel
Many restaurants are adopting a new “no tips” policy where people who come to
dine are not required or expected to leave a tip after they are done dining.
Tips could vary greatly between different people who are dining, and some people
may not leave any tip at all, even if the reason they didn’t leave a tip wasn’t
the wait staff’s fault.
Because of the variations in tip size, the no tip policies factor the tips into
the bill for dining out and ensure that the wait staff gets a proper pay that is
fairly even with the staff that work in the back of the diner.
 Impact on me:
The main impact this has on me is that the raise in the prices, in order to
factor in a final tip, could cause me to eat out less often, which could lead to
saving more money and eating food that would be better for me than what is found
in restaurants. Overall, the act of factoring the tip into the final bill would
lead to me living a healthier lifestyle and would also lead to saving up more
money rather than spending a good chunk of it on eating out at restaurants for a
hefty price.
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5 years ago
Not a hard assignment to do. I found an article about how several states are seeking to curb the issue of online business owners not charging tax on internet sales

Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andriacheng/2018/06/22/what-supreme-courts-internet-sales-tax-ruling-says-about-the-state-of-retail/#6cb5baff1e9c

Summary: Many online businesses operating out of the United States fail to collect tax from American purchasers. In fact, the to failure to collect sales tax on online sales results in annual tax revenue losses of at least $33 billion. State governments are unable to apply sales tax rates to most Internet orders for out-of-state goods and services, but this has not stopped them from trying to do so after the fact. Twenty state income tax forms now have a line on which taxpayers are supposed to report sales taxes owed on out-of-state purchases. To get people to report out-of-state purchases, states threaten audits that would uncover credit card records.

It is most likely that most taxpayers who leave the line blank have no tax to report, or at best only a small amount that can be proved. The tax revenue return from auditing all of these returns would require a large expenditure of state revenues that could be used for higher priorities.
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