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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1263
5 years ago
Referring to following video, I would like to know on any device to measure orgone energy.  If it works, any practice treatment is applied today.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

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5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, bio_man
In recent years, there hasn't been any research done on this topic, so it's hard for me to comment strictly from a scientific perspective. From what I speculate after watching the link for a few minutes is that its a form of alternative "energy" medicine. Have a look at this link, studies date back from 1945 to 1976, but nothing in recent years.

Link: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=results&q=Orgone&cx=015763616539261044904:pelsxodl8qu;pubmed

I believe it is a debunked idea that's only getting attention now because its been on hiatus from mainstream sources for a long time. I applaud that you brought it up, but I don't have enough information proving its evidence. Similarly, I don't see any like-minded science members on this site having anything else to add.

It was discussed in a more recent article located here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1084175/

This is a collection of diverse practices based on the alleged existence of a non-physical force called prana, chi, ka or orgone. This life-energy animates the human body as it is transformed into matter and physical energy through channels called chakras. Since it is non-physical, no instruments can detect or measure it. In this perspective, illness, ageing and death result from imbalances or blockages in the flow of life-energy; healing is achieved by re-balancing its flow through the body. Meditation is a central aspect of energy medicine, as it trains people to sensitise themselves to detect life-energy and to manipulate it. Best-selling authors (e.g. Deepak Chopra, Larry Dossey and Carolyn Myss) devote their books to these ideas. Energy medicine is at the core of many traditional forms of alternative medicine, such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Practices such as therapeutic touch, Reiki, qigong and tai chi are based exclusively on these principles. Some claim acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal remedies and homeopathy influence this life-energy, although other practitioners claim these practices have a purely physical mechanism of action. Questions of effectiveness and safety must be addressed here, but so too must the fact that spiritual and religious teachings are often presented in the guise of therapy. When health-care professionals offer or promote energy medicine, they should openly declare that this is based on ancient religious teaching and not on professional training. Barnum (1996) surveyed the popularity of these therapies among US nurses and commented, ‘Is the practice of the New Age nurse deceptive? Do patients’ weakened conditions simply make them targets of opportunity? If New Age nursing is care of the soul, is it also usurping the field of those perceived to be more prepared for that task, namely, religious priests, ministers, and rabbis? Or is the nurse a representative of a new religion?’

It states: "Since it is non-physical, no instruments can detect or measure it."

This contradicts e = mc2, where energy has a mass times the speed of light squared. If it's non-physical, then it doesn't hold energy, then what the heck is it!?
oemBiology Author
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, oem7110

Start at 6:22
Reich discovered came from observing a dying plant in water under a microscope.
As the life force faded, he witnessed luminescent blue "bubbles" departing from the plant and coming together again separately to form a new protozoa - a new living organism. He called this glow, BIOME.
He was able to see and measure biome energy, that is an energetic life force in the Universe, an etheric substance that is the essence of every living thing and non-living thing.

Q : I would like to know on what luminescent blue "bubbles" is about in term of physics

Illness occurs when area stagnate in the body, modalities focus on opening the flow of this energy.

Start at 9:20
Reich was able to detect and measure the existence of orgone with a simple device, which was an induction coil, in a series of metal plates with a light bulb in between them. Whenever an orgone field approached the meter, the light would actually turn on

Q : Referring to following products, I would like to know on what is being measured in term of physics.

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)


5 years ago
Q : I would like to know on what luminescent blue "bubbles" is about in term of physics

How can a new protozoa arise from a plant? Protozoans are not plants. That suggests that one life form converted to another, which is impossible. The only logical explanation of the bubbles would be that excess gas contained in the vacuoles erupted. OR, perhaps a protozoa was living inside

Q : Referring to following products, I would like to know on what is being measured in term of physics.

This source should help: http://www.rogermwilcox.com/Reich/orgone_field_meter.html
oemBiology Author
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, oem7110
"Reich's "orgone field meter" was nothing more than a low powered Tesla coil with a light bulb attached.  The effects observed by Reich are no different than those observed with a Tesla coil, and were all predicted by conventional electric theory.  Even if orgone energy does exist, the orgone field meter does not distinguish orgone energy from ordinary electric current in any way. "

Based on above statement, I would like to know on what object is being measured using orgone field meter in term of physics - electricity, referring to following video, meter is actually getting measurement when it approaches to any living thing and non-living thing.

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)

Video for orgone field meter
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, bio_man

According to the theory, some unknown source of energy completes the circuit from the top wire with the bottom wire. This energy is called Orogone. Am I understanding this correctly?

Anyway, according to the article, the "something" that was completing the circuit could have been the air; as you know, at extremely high voltages (tens of thousands of Volts), air will break down and conduct electricity - forming lightning.  Reich did not say what the voltage step-up ratio of the coil should be, how high the voltage going into the induction coil should be, how high the voltage coming out of the coil should be, or how much current should be going through the coil.  However, from a comment Reich wrote two paragraphs farther down, we can infer that the current and output voltage of the coil was supposed to be pretty high — he wrote: "To prevent the possibility of electric shocks there should be no metal on the [top] surface of the [upper] plate."

Further down in the article it states:

The prototype diathermy machine invented by Nagelschmidt, in fact, used four metal plate capacitors which discharged across a spark gap, which would produce an effect similar to a mechanical interruptor.  According to Keith Levkoff (kLevkoff@panix.com), who has an engineering background, such a device would probably generate some very high-voltage, high-frequency electrical components well outside its "normal" range.  A device specified to generate 0-4000 volts could easily produce some components at much higher voltages, even voltages in the range of a Tesla coil.  A modern TV picture tube uses this trick to make high voltages without the need for huge transformers; it's called the "flyback" effect.  (Keith also notes that, at the extremely high frequencies used by diathermy machines, a typical light bulb filament would have a very high inductive reactance, which would raise its total impedance drastically.)

I'm not an electrical engineer, but from what I can tell that the original apparatus probably was being influenced by some electrical source such as a capacitor discharging somehow. Honestly, I don't know, as it's beyond the scope of what I know about electricity.
oemBiology Author
5 years ago
Referring to following video, I would like to know on how orgonite reduce emf in physics.

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)

5 years ago
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