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yoyoyo12345 yoyoyo12345
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5 years ago
1.After learning about BPA and phalate, how concerned are you about these chemicals? What changes, if any, will you make after what you learned? Is there sufficient data to justify banning these chemicals from consumer products?

2.Think of the foods you ate yesterday or today. Share with the group a few of the things you remember. What do you think had the greatest chance to cause a foodborne illness? Why? What things do you do to prevent illness from your food?

Of all the discussions and articles on the flint water crisis, nothing tells the story better than this documentary done by NPR. Each of your responses should be a paragraph at minimum.

1. So what initiated this crisis, what were the events that lead to elevated lead levels in the water in some homes in Flint., MI? Why did these things happen?

2. Layout the timeline of events in this story, summarizing what happened when. Who deserves the credit for this issue coming to light?

3. Tell me your thoughts after hearing this piece. Ultimately, who do you think is responsible for this? Who should be held accountable? In what way? Do you think there was criminal wrongdoing here? Justify your answers.

4. So how does this get resolved? What do you think are the best steps forward for the citizens and local government in Flint?
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5 years ago
1.After learning about BPA and phalate, how concerned are you about these chemicals? What changes, if any, will you make after what you learned? Is there sufficient data to justify banning these chemicals from consumer products?

My level of concern has increased given that both BPA and phthalates are omnipresent in plastic products used daily. I'm more likely to purchase products free of these chemicals, including water bottles made exclusively from glass or metal. In addition, I'm now more cautious when it comes to using saran wrap when microwaving. I feel that these products are a necessary evil in today's society. I believe consumers should be aware of what's contained in the plastic prior to purchasing, and that the risk should be placed in the hands of the consumer when it comes to deciding whether to buy. While these products have been shown to cause health issues, suddenly banning them won't necessarily ensure that a safer alternative replaces it.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

2.Think of the foods you ate yesterday or today. Share with the group a few of the things you remember. What do you think had the greatest chance to cause a foodborne illness? Why? What things do you do to prevent illness from your food?

Preparation, or lack thereof, is a major cause of foodborne illnesses. For example, leaving meat out to thaw can cause an accumulation of bacteria, while undercooking or forgetting to wash the surface of vegetables prior to serving can likely cause the spread of pathogens. Last night I prepared pasta, and to enhance the flavor, we used can chicken broth. The label said to use the item before one week after opening, but it had been two. I took the chance any, and luckily nothing bad happened because I made sure to use enough heat in case bacteria had grown inside. Of course, to prevent this sort of thing from happening, I could follow the recommendations more closely, and ensure the item is properly refrigerated.
5 years ago
Of all the discussions and articles on the flint water crisis, nothing tells the story better than this documentary done by NPR. Each of your responses should be a paragraph at minimum. http://michiganradio.org/post/listen-not-safe-drink-special-documentary-about-flint-water-crisis#stream/0 1. So what initiated this crisis, what were the events that lead to elevated lead levels in the water in some homes in Flint., MI? Why did these things happen? 2. Layout the timeline of events in this story, summarizing what happened when. Who deserves the credit for this issue coming to light? 3. Tell me your thoughts after hearing this piece. Ultimately, who do you think is responsible for this? Who should be held accountable? In what way? Do you think there was criminal wrongdoing here? Justify your answers. 4. So how does this get resolved? What do you think are the best steps forward for the citizens and local government in Flint?

I think these sets of questions require you listen to a 50 minute interview found in the link. If you have difficulty with any one of them, I'll help to clarify. However, I'm not listening to a 50 minute interview for you Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
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