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abrah25 abrah25
Posts: 1308
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5 years ago
31. Scott thought of himself as a very successful marketer. He created a campaign with a
product logo that was very popular and that customers associated with a quality product. It
was so popular that in a few months, the logo began to appear almost everywhere. Instead of
increasing sales of the product, the customer demand began to decrease as competitors’
products became more successful. What characteristic of learning was ruining Scott’s
apparent success?
a. Customers confused Scott’s logo with the logo of Scott’s competitors, making cognitive
learning incomplete.
b. The logo produced only a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement that did not sustain
sales, while Scott’s competitor used a variable-ratio schedule.
c. Too much repetition was decreasing the strength of the CS, thus leading to extinction
of the learned relationship between the logo, the quality of the product, and the
association with Scott’s company.
d. Over time the logo became boring, and customers punished Scott’s company by
buying competitors’ products as a type of revenge for their boredom.
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