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chihuahua chihuahua
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5 years ago
Q3. Which statement best describes the pattern of natural selection on beak size?
a)Deep beaks are favored in dry years, while shallow beaks are favored in wet years.
b)Selection favors birds with bigger beaks.
c)Selection favors birds with smaller beaks.
d)Shallow beaks are favored in large populations, while deep beaks are favored in small populations.

Q4. What can happen to our virtual finch population if the weather changes between wet and dry conditions too rapidly?
a)The mutation rate may fall to zero.
b)The distribution of beak sizes may cease to be bimodal.
c)The finch population may go extinct.
d)Beak size may cease to affect survival.

Q5. What happened to beak depths in the virtual finch population when selection on beak depth was eliminated (selection strength = 0) and mutation rate for alleles determining beak depth was greater than zero?
a)Average beak depth consistently increased.
b)Average beak depth consistently decreased.
c)The range in beak depths (largest to smallest) became larger.
d)The range in beak depths became smaller.

Q6. The Correlated Traits exercise shows that:
a)When two characters are correlated, selection always favors larger values for both or smaller values for both.
b)When two characters are correlated, one of them can evolve toward higher values even if smaller values are better for survival.
c)When two characters are correlated, selection is always strong on both or weak on both.
d)When two characters are correlated, the optimal values and selection strengths rise and fall together.

Post Merge: 5 years ago

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5 years ago
Q3. Which statement best describes the pattern of natural selection on beak size? a)Deep beaks are favored in dry years, while shallow beaks are favored in wet years. b)Selection favors birds with bigger beaks. c)Selection favors birds with smaller beaks. d)Shallow beaks are favored in large populations, while deep beaks are favored in small populations.

Deep beaks are favored in dry years, while shallow beaks are favored in wet years
Post Merge: 5 years ago

Q5. What happened to beak depths in the virtual finch population when selection on beak depth was eliminated (selection strength = 0) and mutation rate for alleles determining beak depth was greater than zero? a)Average beak depth consistently increased. b)Average beak depth consistently decreased. c)The range in beak depths (largest to smallest) became larger. d)The range in beak depths became smaller.

The range in beak depths (largest to smallest) became larger
Post Merge: 5 years ago

Q6. The Correlated Traits exercise shows that: a)When two characters are correlated, selection always favors larger values for both or smaller values for both. b)When two characters are correlated, one of them can evolve toward higher values even if smaller values are better for survival. c)When two characters are correlated, selection is always strong on both or weak on both. d)When two characters are correlated, the optimal values and selection strengths rise and fall together.

When two characters are correlated, selection is always strong on both or weak on both. In this scenario, the selection will be always strong on both or weak on both.
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