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foltzy15 foltzy15
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4 years ago
1.   A group of documents that scholars call __________ is a source of much of the original writings related to Christianity.

2.   The “common folk” or __________ were “people of the land” and the group Jesus’ family most likely belonged.

3.   The generic term for the study of ideas about the end of the world is called __________.

4.   Jesus often taught using __________, homely illustrations drawn from nature and human life.

5.   The early church saw tension between Christians from Jewish backgrounds and __________.

6.   __________ is the belief in God’s final judgment of good and evil.

7.   The shortest of the Gospels, though the earliest to appear is __________.

Multiple Choice

8.   An increase in scholarly agreement about the eschatological beliefs of Jesus came about after the appearance of __________.
a.   Albert Schweitzer’s Quest for the Historical Jesus
b.   Quelle
c.   Gospel of John
d.   Paul’s epistles

9.   In the early ministry of Jesus he made __________, the home of Simon Peter, his headquarters.
a.   Bethsaida
b.   Capernaum
c.   Chorazin
d.   Tiberias

10.   This was the supreme political, religious and Judicial body of Judaism during the Roman period
a.   Essenes
b.   Pharisees
c.   Sadducees
d.   Sanhedrin

11.   The part of the world where Jesus was born had only recently come under __________ rule.
a.   Hellenist
b.   Jewish
c.   Persian
d.   Roman

12.   This group believed that strict adherence to religious practices were central to morality and would hasten the coming of the Messiah.
a.   Essenes
b.   Pharisees
c.   Sadducees
d.   Zealots

13.   According to the eschatology of Jesus, the Kingdom of God was, in part, already realized by __________.
a.   his life
b.   Roman rule
c.   scripture
d.   the number of new converts

14.   A hallmark of Jesus’ teaching is the expression “turn the other cheek” which was an admonition  against __________.
a.   Old Testament teachings
b.   pride
c.   retaliation
d.   violence

15.   A central tenet of Christian belief about Jesus’ divinity was his__________.
a.   crucifixion
b.   ministry
c.   resurrection
d.   virgin birth

16.   The second founder of Christianity is often considered to be __________.
a.   James
b.   John
c.   Paul
d.   Simon Peter

17.   Written defenses of Christianity often directed to the high ranking rulers of Rome and Greece were prepared by __________.
a.   Paul
b.   Simon Peter
c.   the Apologists
d.   the Apostles

18.   The Jews found Roman rule more oppressive than rule by the Greeks because _________.
a.   the Greeks took a detached approach to ruling the Jews
b.   the Romans gave little consideration or acknowledgement to Jewish ideas
c.   Roman punishment for minor infractions was particularly onerous
d.   Roman taxes were considered particularly onerous

19.   After the death of Herod the Great, Palestine was divided up amongst __________.
a.   his sons
b.   the Essenes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees
c.   the Syrians and Hellenists
d.   three Roman governors

20.   A typical day in Jesus’ early ministry involved him __________.
a.   performing miracles
b.   healing the sick
c.   teaching in the synagogue
d.   meditating alone

21.   A central tenet of Jesus’ to the people was to place morality above __________.
a.   ceremony
b.   government
c.   the Pharisees
d.   the worship of idols

22.   The warning by Jesus that it be better to have “a millstone hung around your neck and be thrown into the sea” was directed at those who __________.
a.   committed adultery
b.   who harmed the moral nature of  another
c.   who resorted to the sword or violence
d.   who used the temple as a marketplace

23.   Jesus is often depicted as being in verbal conflict with the Pharisees and the Sadducees because of their reliance on __________.
a.   Moses
b.   orthodoxy
c.   sacrifice
d.   the prophets

24.   When Jesus asked his disciples who they believed he was, __________ answered “You are the Christ.”
a.   James
b.   John
c.   Luke
d.   Simon Peter

25.   After the death of Jesus, the Christian movement in Palestine consisted of two parties. __________ was the leader of the more conservative movement or __________ which embraced the belief that new converts must also obey the Law of Moses.
a.   James, Hellenists
b.   James, Judaizers
c.   Paul, Judaizers
d.   Peter, Hellenists

Chapter 16:  The Religious Development of Christianity
Fill in the Blank with one word to a few words answers:
26.   __________ is the view that spirit and matter were radically divided (dualism) and that the material world is so vile that an impersonal, unknowable God could have nothing to do with its creation. All knowledge comes from esoteric knowledge alone.

27.   The word “catholic” means __________.

28.   __________ is the belief that the son of God had a beginning, but God is eternal and has no beginning.

29.   Thomas Aquinas attempted to reconcile __________ and __________.

30.   __________ is the doctrine that by the priest’s words in the Mass, the bread and wine become the real blood and body of Christ.

31.   __________ posted the Ninety-Five Theses on the Wittenberg Castle door, which inadvertently began the Protestant Reformation

32.   John Calvin preached the doctrine of __________, which asserted that people were preordained for eternal life or damnation.

33.   The __________ rejected infant baptism, because all ceremonies and rituals must have meaning to the participants and babies could not meet that requirement.

34.   Ignatius Loyola founded the __________, which helped to revive the Catholic spirit.

35.   In 1959, Pope John XXIII called for an ecumenical council known as __________ to adjust the faith to the twentieth century.

Multiple Choice

36.   The Council of Trent declared that the Catholic Church had sole right to __________.
a.   forgive sins and accept confessions
b.   scriptural interpretation
c.   the administration of the sacraments
d.   the study of theology

37.   The Roman Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception, is the belief that __________.
a.   all people are born with original sin
b.   Jesus was born without original sin
c.   Mary was born without original sin
d.   Mary conceived as a virgin

38.   Fundamentalism emphasizes a/an__________ interpretation of the Bible.
a.   apostolic
b.   catholic
c.   literal
d.   protestant

39.   Liberation theology urges the Church to address __________.
a.   a figurative interpretation of the bible
b.   poverty and social injustice
c.   the ordination of women
d.   the rights of gay people

40.   __________, a leader in Feminist theology called for a radical transformation of the place of women in the Catholic Church.
a.   Anne Seton
b.   Katherine Jefferts Schori
c.   Mary Daly
d.   Rosemary Radford Ruether

41.   The divisions among the highly separate and independent Eastern Churches are created along __________.
a.   doctrinal issues
b.   fundamental theology
c.   Liturgical practices
d.   nation states

42.   Ulrich Zwingli led the __________ Reformation.
a.   Dutch
b.   French
c.   German
d.   Swiss

43.   The Catholic Reformation resulted in the declaration that __________.
a.   all Christian faiths were coequal
b.   Catholic tradition was coequal with scripture
c.   new converts must renounce other Christian denominations
d.   the Bible supported Catholic dogma

44.   The Catholic doctrine of the Trinity was rejected by the __________.
a.   Baptists
b.   Congregationalists
c.   Puritans
d.   Unitarians

45.   Vatican II improved the Catholic Church’s relationship with the Jews by __________.
a.   accepting responsibility for anti-Semitism
b.   condemning anti-Semitism
c.   recognizing the holocaust
d.   recognizing the Torah as inspired

46.   The most rapid growth of Christianity in modern times has occurred in __________.
a.   Africa
b.   Asia
c.   Malaysia
d.   the Southern hemisphere

47.   The Nestorians view of Jesus’s nature __________.
a.   was impossible for humans to know
b.   was primarily human
c.   was two distinct and separate natures
d.   was united in will without one aspect absorbing the other

48.   Martin Luther differed from Catholic doctrine in believing that __________, not good works, was the path to God.
a.   eucharist
b.   faith
c.   penitence
d.   prayer

49.   A Protestant sect characterized by services that involve silent meditation with no sacraments and no prepared discourse are the __________.
a.   Baptists
b.   Congregationalists
c.   Quakers
d.   Unitarians

50.   The Catholic Church’s stance against __________ was reinforced by Pope Paul VI’s “Humanae Vitae.”
a.   artificial birth control
b.   marriage for homosexuals
c.   married clergy
d.   ordination of women
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6 Replies
4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, bio_man
#3 -- Eschatology

#4 -- Parables

#5 -- Gentile

#7 -- Mark

#29 -- faith and reason

#48 -- b

#50 -- a
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also ... pls limit to 1 question per topic next time
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