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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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4 years ago
A disease of the adrenal glands will most likely affect which of the following processes?
(A) glucose regulation
(B) ovulation
(C) osmoregulation
(D) blood circulation
(E) muscular coordination

Nitrogen-containing waste products are excreted as the result of the metabolism of which of the following?
(A) proteins
(B) fats
(C) simple sugars
(D) starch
(E) cellulose

Considering the role of mitochondria in cells, mitochondria would likely be most abundant in which of the following?
(A) mature red blood cells
(B) callous cells of the skin
(C) cells of the heart muscle
(D) epithelial cells of the cheek lining
(E) fat cells

A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) bleeding gums
(B) decreased metabolic rate
(C) increased body temperature
(D) increased respiratory rate
(E) weight loss

All of the following substances are potentially major sources of energy for the human body EXCEPT
(A) starches
(B) sugars
(C) vitamins
(D) proteins
(E) fats

A frog skeletal muscle contracts in response to an electrical stimulus. Increase of the stimulus intensity by 50 percent will increase the strength of response nearly 50 percent. If the intensity is again increased 50 percent, the response will increase only about another 25 percent. Further increase in the stimulus intensity produces no further increase in response. The observations above are best explained by which of the following?
(A) A muscle functions with an all-or-none mechanism.
(B) Muscle-fiber sarcolemma is electrically resistant.
(C) The fibers of a muscle do not all contract at the same rate.
(D) The fibers of a muscle fatigue at varying rates.
(E) The fibers of a muscle have varying

Thirst, loss of weight, and sugar in the urine result from the undersecretion of a hormone by which of the following glands?
(A) Thyroid
(B) Parathyroid
(C) Pancreas
(D) Adrenal
(E) Thymus

Which of the following best describes the effect on heart action of the stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve fibers of the vagus nerve?
(A) There is a decrease in the volume of blood pumped and an increase in the heartbeat rate.
(B) There is an increase in the volume of blood pumped without a decrease in the heartbeat rate.
(C) There is a prolonged acceleration in the heartbeat rate.
(D) There is a decrease in the heartbeat rate.
(E) There is an increase in the blood pressure.

A patient is placed on a restricted diet of water, pure cooked starch, olive oil, adequate minerals, and vitamins. If a urinalysis several weeks later reveals the presence of relatively normal amounts of urea, the urea probably came from the
(A) food eaten during the restricted diet
(B) withdrawal of reserve urea stored in the liver
(C) chemical combination of water, carbon dioxide, and free nitrogen
(D) deamination of cellular proteins
(E) urea synthesized by kidney tubule cells

The clotting process in blood is initiated by
(A) erythrocytes
(B) lymphocytes
(C) hemoglobins
(D) platelets
(E) neutrophils

Which of the following elements is correctly linked to its role in a living organism?
(A) Calcium .. component of proteins
(B) Carbon .. component of lipids
(C) Magnesium .. neuron action potential
(D) Potassium .. component of ATP
(E) Zinc .. component of carbohydrates

Carbon dioxide is produced by which of the following?
I. A mesophyll cell in a flowering plant during the night
II. A muscle cell in a mammalian heart during contraction
III. A yeast cell growing under anaerobic conditions
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) Bleeding gums
(B) Decreased metabolic rate
(C) Increased body temperature
(D) Increased respiratory rate
(E) Weight loss

Which of the following structures is correctly paired with its function?
(A) Alveolus .. locomotion
(B) Cilium .. impulse transmission
(C) Sarcomere .. nutrient uptake
(D) Neuron .. gas exchange
(E) Nephron .. filtration

Read 188 times
13 Replies

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4 years ago
A disease of the adrenal glands will most likely affect which of the following processes?
(A) glucose regulation
(B) ovulation
(C) osmoregulation
(D) blood circulation
(E) muscular coordination
4 years ago
Nitrogen-containing waste products are excreted as the result of the metabolism of which of the following?
(A) proteins
(B) fats
(C) simple sugars
(D) starch
(E) cellulose
4 years ago
Considering the role of mitochondria in cells, mitochondria would likely be most abundant in which of the following?
(A) mature red blood cells
(B) callous cells of the skin
(C) cells of the heart muscle
(D) epithelial cells of the cheek lining
(E) fat cells
4 years ago
A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) bleeding gums
(B) decreased metabolic rate
(C) increased body temperature
(D) increased respiratory rate
(E) weight loss
4 years ago
All of the following substances are potentially major sources of energy for the human body EXCEPT
(A) starches
(B) sugars
(C) vitamins
(D) proteins
(E) fats
4 years ago
A frog skeletal muscle contracts in response to an electrical stimulus. Increase of the stimulus intensity by 50 percent will increase the strength of response nearly 50 percent. If the intensity is again increased 50 percent, the response will increase only about another 25 percent. Further increase in the stimulus intensity produces no further increase in response. The observations above are best explained by which of the following?
(A) A muscle functions with an all-or-none mechanism.
(B) Muscle-fiber sarcolemma is electrically resistant.
(C) The fibers of a muscle do not all contract at the same rate.
(D) The fibers of a muscle fatigue at varying rates.
(E) The fibers of a muscle have varying
4 years ago
Thirst, loss of weight, and sugar in the urine result from the undersecretion of a hormone by which of the following glands?
(A) Thyroid
(B) Parathyroid
(C) Pancreas
(D) Adrenal
(E) Thymus
4 years ago
Which of the following best describes the effect on heart action of the stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve fibers of the vagus nerve?
(A) There is a decrease in the volume of blood pumped and an increase in the heartbeat rate.
(B) There is an increase in the volume of blood pumped without a decrease in the heartbeat rate.
(C) There is a prolonged acceleration in the heartbeat rate.
(D) There is a decrease in the heartbeat rate.
(E) There is an increase in the blood pressure.
4 years ago
A patient is placed on a restricted diet of water, pure cooked starch, olive oil, adequate minerals, and vitamins. If a urinalysis several weeks later reveals the presence of relatively normal amounts of urea, the urea probably came from the
(A) food eaten during the restricted diet
(B) withdrawal of reserve urea stored in the liver
(C) chemical combination of water, carbon dioxide, and free nitrogen
(D) deamination of cellular proteins
(E) urea synthesized by kidney tubule cells
4 years ago
The clotting process in blood is initiated by
(A) erythrocytes
(B) lymphocytes
(C) hemoglobins
(D) platelets
(E) neutrophils
4 years ago
Which of the following elements is correctly linked to its role in a living organism?
(A) Calcium .. component of proteins
(B) Carbon .. component of lipids
(C) Magnesium .. neuron action potential
(D) Potassium .. component of ATP
(E) Zinc .. component of carbohydrates
4 years ago
Carbon dioxide is produced by which of the following?
I. A mesophyll cell in a flowering plant during the night
II. A muscle cell in a mammalian heart during contraction
III. A yeast cell growing under anaerobic conditions
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) Bleeding gums
(B) Decreased metabolic rate
(C) Increased body temperature
(D) Increased respiratory rate
(E) Weight loss
4 years ago
Which of the following structures is correctly paired with its function?
(A) Alveolus .. locomotion
(B) Cilium .. impulse transmission
(C) Sarcomere .. nutrient uptake
(D) Neuron .. gas exchange
(E) Nephron .. filtration
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