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ewashington1288 ewashington1288
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4 years ago
After reading the lecture notes for Chapter Fifteen, you learned about victimization, fear in school and bullying in schools.  What is the best way to deal with bullying in schools, especially in arena of social media.
Source  Crime Prevention Approaches, Practices, Evaluations
9th Edition Steven  Lab
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4 years ago
Education is key when dealing with social media and bullying. Once children post online, they are likely to encounter bullying behaviors, whether it be racist, sexist, religious or homophobic remarks. Parents need to focus on letting their children know that the internet never forgets the things that are add to it - that it has infinite memory. This is problematic especially when the child is old enough to start looking for part-time work; future employers may research their name prior to hiring, and may find a negative or hostile past.

It's also an excellent idea to follow your child on these social media sites - befriend them, follow them, and most importantly talk to the them. By reviewing what is being posted, you get first hand insight on whether your child is being bullied or is the bully. Parents need to educate themselves on the language used by their child to pick up on these cues. Parents must readily observe any abnormal or aggressive interactions between their "cyber friends".

At school, all students should have access to an anonymous drop box, where they can report any instances of bullying. Teachers and principals may consider investigating the report by talking to the victim and the bully; informing their parents to arrange a meeting to discuss any possible solutions; follow up on the issue by communicating with the victim, the parents and staff; monitor their classroom behavior, and finally, if the problem persists, decide on a justly punishment.
Source  https://learn.ppdictionary.com/additionaltopics.htm
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