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ewashington1288 ewashington1288
Posts: 64
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4 years ago
Discuss the following topics.
Gangs: Identify and describe active gangs in your community (or others) and discuss three strategies a police department could use to curtail each gang’s membership and criminal activity.
Homelessness: Compile a list of the homelessness conditions and causes in the law enforcement jurisdiction that you work or live in. What steps could you take (individually and collectively with others) to help homeless people in your community?
Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness: Why should an understanding of cross-cultural dimensions of mental illness and family members’ perceptions be important to law enforcement?
Human Trafficking: What are some steps your department takes to identify and stop human trafficking in your community? Are those steps effective? If you do not work in law enforcement, provide suggestions and/or information found via the text or research.
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4 years ago
Gangs: Identify and describe active gangs in your community (or others) and discuss three strategies a police department could use to curtail each gang’s membership and criminal activity.

There aren't any active gangs locally operating in my community, though recently a predominant drug trafficking gang dealing fentanyl was seized by police in a nearby community. Before law enforcement stepped in, this gang has employed violence to control and expand its drug distribution activities; little is known to the public, but they were targeting rival gangs, and composed of members between the ages of 18 and 45. One way police and curtail memberships is by sharing information between the police and various social agencies. For example, homeless shelters and social workers can help the police by identifying individuals that exhibit gang-related behaviors or people who appear to be at risk. Another way is for police to monitor correctional facilities because some inmates become gang-involved during their incarceration, and then once released back to their community, they begin to recruit young people into their gang. Lastly, this problem can be curtailed by having police target the small number of high-risk students by acting as mentors and getting to know their families.

Homelessness: Compile a list of the homelessness conditions and causes in the law enforcement jurisdiction that you work or live in. What steps could you take (individually and collectively with others) to help homeless people in your community?

The problem of homelessness might be explained by a number of factors, such as financial crises, socially dysfunctional relationships, unemployment, lack of job skills, substance abuse, inability or lack of desire to live within the socially accepted norms of society, underlying mental illness, disability, or misfortune. One of the most effective ways to help the homeless population is by spending some of your time volunteering in soup kitchens, food banks or local shelters. Another thing you can do is prepare care packages including necessity items to be given out to people experiencing homelessness; this can be done individually or collectively with your church or extended families. These care packages can include gifts for young ones, making freshly cooked meals like casseroles, or purchasing personal hygiene products, such as toothbrushes, tissues, etc. for those living under the poverty line.
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