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CarbonRobot Author
2 years ago
The vaccine wasn't rushed. They simply did different phases of testing on a compressed schedule without waiting on the results of the previous parts and arrived at all the information at the end. If anything they simply spent more money than they normally would on a vaccine.

Consider this interview:

As for the bible it isn't science, which is what I'm asking about. And as for being told not to worry or be scared and having an eternal hell unlike the majority of the world's religions Christianity has too many contradictions.
2 years ago
Throwing billions of dollars at science doesn't speed things up, it just rushes it. The vaccine protocols were all rushed, and no prior vaccine uses this technology. Five to ten years worth of data is needed before studies can confirm the safety of a biological agent - this is a no-brainer.

The bible isn't meant to be scientific, nor did I make that suggestion. I meant that the messages you find in scripture is still highly applicable today. Can you provide me evidence where you personally found a contradiction? Maybe what you perceive as a contradiction is actually a misunderstanding
CarbonRobot Author
2 years ago
RNA vaccines haven't been around since the late 80s? In any event side effects are very few and far between. Most other drugs are far riskier. And now a new variant out of Africa because we didn't stop the spread fast enough.
2 years ago Edited: 2 years ago, bio_man
RNA vaccines have not been around since the 80s. I can assure you that if you've been inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine, it was your first mRNA-based "vaccine". For Pete's sake, they had to change the definition of what 'vaccine' means several times since they first started administrating it.

Virus variants are going to exist and evolve no matter what, but what they don't tell you is that even with these variants, your body can still fight the virus and survive 99.7% of the time. The discovery of another variant is just an excuse for more vaccines, a perpetual cycle that people feed into because they're afraid of being one of the the 0.3% that succumb.

Personally, I'm more afraid that I'll die getting the mail from my mailbox that's 10 meters from my home than that virus. Stop feeding into the nonsense.
CarbonRobot Author
2 years ago
If it were more fatal more of the time, but far less contagious it would be a much lesser concern. Too many have died of it. And too many have lived but with permanent damage in their lungs, or brain, or eye in some cases. I don't know your credentials, but I expect it isn't in immunology. I doubt anyone wants to make vaccines for essentially the same virus indefinitely. Certainly the left leaning people don't want to make big pharm more profitable.
2 years ago
I'm a biologist by trade, but I currently work as a math instructor. Nonetheless, that's of no importance to this conversation. I don't need a degree to be able to search stuff on my own and to reason logically. I have not met or heard of any person in my inner circle who has suffered permeant damage to their health from an infection caused by COVID-19, but that's just anecdotal evidence anyway. Also, too many people have died of the flu, but that wasn't anyone's concern before either. A virus is designed to be contagious naturally, but it's no match for an immune system that took millions of years to evolve, as evident by the 99.7% survival rate. Making a profit in business is everything, and as long as people fear variant a, b... x, y, and z, rest assured there will be more variants to come.

My 2 cents.
CarbonRobot Author
2 years ago
I'm a biologist by trade, but I currently work as a math instructor. Nonetheless, that's of no importance to this conversation. I don't need a degree to be able to search stuff on my own and to reason logically. I have not met or heard of any person in my inner circle who has suffered permeant damage to their health from an infection caused by COVID-19, but that's just anecdotal evidence anyway. Also, too many people have died of the flu, but that wasn't anyone's concern before either. A virus is designed to be contagious naturally, but it's no match for an immune system that took millions of years to evolve, as evident by the 99.7% survival rate. Making a profit in business is everything, and as long as people fear variant a, b... x, y, and z, rest assured there will be more variants to come. My 2 cents.

Trust the science. Nobody let alone the person running the country wants economic slow down unless it's important.
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