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everlyn85 everlyn85
Posts: 833
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6 years ago
In a local university, 10 of the students live in the dormitories. A random sample of 100 students is selected for a study.
 a. What is the probability that the sample proportion of students living in the dormitories is between .172 and .178?
 b. What is the probability that the sample proportion of students living in the dormitories is greater than .025?
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6 years ago
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A year ago
In a local university, 20% of the students live in the dormitories. A random sample of 150 students is selected for a particular study.

a.) What is the probability that the sample proportion (the proportion living in the dormitories) is between 0.172 and 0.178?

b.) What is the probability that the sample proportion (the proportion living in the dormitories) is greater than 0.025?
A year ago
In a local university, 20% of the students live in the dormitories. A random sample of 150 students is selected for a particular study.

a.) What is the probability that the sample proportion (the proportion living in the dormitories) is between 0.172 and 0.178?

b.) What is the probability that the sample proportion (the proportion living in the dormitories) is greater than 0.025?
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