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jack bopp jack bopp
Posts: 130
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A year ago

Suppose a monopolist faces the demand curve and cost curves shown below.

Short description: A graph plots quantity against dollars. Long description: The horizontal axis representing quantity ranges from Q subscript 0 to Q subscript 5. The vertical axis representing dollars ranges from P subscript 0 to P subscript 4. The graph plots two lines and two curves. The curve, MC passes through the points, f, d, and c. The curve, ATC passes through the points, b, d, and e. The line, demand passes through the points, a, c, and g. The line, MR passes through f. The points are as follows: f (Q subscript 0, P subscript 0); b (Q subscript 0, P subscript 2); d (Q subscript 1, P subscript 1); e (Q subscript 2, P subscript 2); a (Q subscript 0, P subscript 4); c (Q subscript 2, P subscript 3); g (Q subscript 5, P subscript 0).


Refer to Figure 10-6. Suppose this monopolist is practicing perfect price discrimination. How does this differ from the situation where this firm is charging a single price for its product?

▸ The firm is restricting output to a level below that of the single-price monopolist, and thereby raises the price of its product and earns higher profits.

▸ The firm is producing a higher quantity, is charging a different price for each unit sold and is earning higher profits.

▸ The firm is producing the same quantity, but charging a different price for each unit sold and is earning higher profits.

▸ The firm is producing the same quantity, has successfully identified different segments of the market, and is able to capture some of the consumer surplus.

▸ The firm is producing a smaller quantity, is charging a different price for each unit sold and is earning higher profits.


Edition: 17th
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