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cryptic123 cryptic123
Posts: 4
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A year ago
Calculate the final answer for the following expression: (103 + 202) ÷ 20.
ver poor on math-
3 is above 10 + 2 is above 20
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cryptic123 Author
A year ago
Calculate the final answer for the following expression: (10 3 (3 is above 10) + 20 2 (2 is above 20) ) ÷ 20.
answers are - a. 20  b. 50  c. 3.5  d. 70  e. 5000

2. Abu sells mutual funds for CIBC. On mutual funds sales, CIBC charges a "front-end load" or gross commission rate of 5%. Abu is paid on a graduated commission structure. He receives 30% commission on the first $50 000 worth of mutual funds he sells in a month, 40% commission for the next $50 000 worth of mutual funds, and 75% commission on all additional sales in the same month. What is Abu's commission for a month in which he sells $150 000 worth of mutual funds?

3. Phil works for a hydro company in a 35 hour work week schedule. His contract pays him $1345/week for working Monday to Friday, 7 hours a day. If he spends more time than his usual time, he is entitled to "time and a half" on time worked in excess of 7 hours per day. If he works on Sundays or statutory holidays, he is entitled to twice the time. Calculate his gross earnings for the month of November 2013, if he worked straight time only.
a. 5380  b. 8473.5   c. 11298  d. 5649   e. 4035

4. Your full-time job pays you a bi-weekly salary of $2963.56. In addition to this position you have been working part-time for the last 15 months and earn $500 semi-monthly. You have other payments that total $14 400 per year. What is the maximum monthly amount that your payments can be towards a house purchase? Assume that property taxes and heating costs are included in the $14 400.
a. 3488.42  b. 1961.42   c. 2488.42  d. 2844.42  e. none of the above

5. calculate 5 3(3 above 5)  +  2 2 ( 2 above 2) /20
a. 2700   b. 2250  c. 3625  d. 5625  e. 4500

6. change 0.2% into fraction-
a. 1/500  b. 1/50  c. 1/5  d. 1/12  e.  1/2      I answered 1/5 but wrong

7. simplify 6+  28-6x4/2  - 4

thank you
A year ago
Calculate the final answer for the following expression: (10 3 (3 is above 10) + 20 2 (2 is above 20) ) ÷ 20.
answers are - a. 20  b. 50  c. 3.5  d. 70  e. 5000

Unless I see what the expression looks like mathematically, I cannot calculate this. No matter what I try, I don't get any of these options, which implies you're not writing it properly.

2. Abu sells mutual funds for CIBC. On mutual funds sales, CIBC charges a "front-end load" or gross commission rate of 5%. Abu is paid on a graduated commission structure. He receives 30% commission on the first $50 000 worth of mutual funds he sells in a month, 40% commission for the next $50 000 worth of mutual funds, and 75% commission on all additional sales in the same month. What is Abu's commission for a month in which he sells $150 000 worth of mutual funds?

Answered here: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=818772

6. change 0.2% into fraction-
a. 1/500  b. 1/50  c. 1/5  d. 1/12  e.  1/2

0.2% divide by 100%


5. calculate 5 3(3 above 5)  +  2 2 ( 2 above 2) /20
a. 2700   b. 2250  c. 3625  d. 5625  e. 4500

7. simplify 6+  28-6x4/2  - 4

Do you mind taking a picture of the first question and the last two questions? I need to see the correct format
A year ago
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