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thusaan100 thusaan100
Posts: 8
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12 years ago
Identify which lane is the molecular weight marker, which lane is the p10 plasmid treated with RNase and which lane is the p10 plasmid not treated with RNase based on the gel photo attached in this post.
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Valued Member
12 years ago
First lane from the top is the marker.
Valued Member
12 years ago
The bottom two lanes, however, are debatable because they look pretty much identical. If I were to guess, I would say that the second one from the top was treated with RNase and the bottom one being p10 plasmid not treated with RNase.
thusaan100 Author
12 years ago
what made you think that the bottom lane is the p10 plasmid without RNAse
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On Hiatus
12 years ago
The bottom two lanes, however, are debatable because they look pretty much identical. If I were to guess, I would say that the second one from the top was treated with RNase and the bottom one being p10 plasmid not treated with RNase.

If you're saying that RNase won't affect DNA, then how can you even make a presumption?
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