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colleen colleen
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Posts: 17077
12 years ago
Compare and contrast the three types of eukaryotic microbes.
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12 years ago
The three types of eukaryotic microbes are fungi, protozoa, and algae. Because they are all composed of eukaryotic cells, they have basic similarities in cellular structure, including the presence of a nucleus. However, these types of microbes differ in many ways as well. In terms of their nutrition, fungi and protozoa obtain their food from other organisms, whereas algae can make their own food through photosynthesis. Algae and fungi can be multicellular organisms, but protozoa are found only as single-celled organisms. Protozoa are unique among the three in that they are animal-like in their characteristics, including movement. Algae are most like plants and are found in primarily water-based environments.
12 years ago
what are some eukaryotic microbes and where can I find some miscropic pictures and descriptions.?
Valued Member
12 years ago
what are some eukaryotic microbes and where can I find some miscropic pictures and descriptions.?

You rarely find eukaryotic microbes, but when you do, they are usually protist or yeast.

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