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Odiseizam Odiseizam
Posts: 146
A year ago
In context of the constant paranoia what will happen with the world economy, will we see new great depression as manufactured century cycle, or will witness remodeling towards planned economy and amalgam between socialism and capitalism, or we gonna end up in free floating uncertainty that will burst for granted (check patiently the videos in the 9th footnotes from the last paragraph bellow) and what to say than "that" looks now more and more close to reality I'll say almost certain once west earlier refused to accept joint world currency with east [1] that at least to me was indicator decade ago that Agrarian Mindset will be most useful mids the next transition ... on what finally we are witnessing now (as consequence of the geopolitical hysteria) particular speeden up will for certain dedollarization [2][2] that to me year ago didnt look as probable but only as certain weakening of the world currency status [3] yet now more and more I am accepting the fact that this could be case if the global trade in dollars drops beneath 50% and someone says it already did, but that could be tweaked easily by financial means and derivative swaps, still as momentum the pointed trends in the 2nd footnotes will have huge impact on the real economy and that on the hesitance in the belief of the dollar that now is pushed to certain digitalization so would keep as the masses so as the states locked to it, at least that is done by particular blueprint [4][5] which as effective depends also on various other factors that rocks the global financial boat!

So are we already on economic edge waiting just on the instant free fall!?, on what think any prognosis dont depends on free but rigged economy and practically it looks like if all this is intentionally pushed in such direction coz particular need for technocracy and transhumanism [6][6][6] or maybe after all we can evade such misfortune eg. if JoeB is removed in '24 and with him evaporate euroatlantic'determinists and instead came more reasonable western realist of President in usA who will would accept Peace instead escalation for the ukrainian crisis but also revision of the unified command plan with asraelis [7] actually do we have at all time for that i.e. to be balanced everything on all sides!?

Other factors that can speed up or slow down any eventual HowSoonIsNow hype [8] that think lasts since 2008 onward and if there is will can last further, yet intentionally or not there are many open wounds since 2008 that in my opinion were deliberately left exposed on various risks so would serve as motivation for marching will towards technocracy, tho maybe I am wrong and everything in the global economy and western gambling financial realm is accidental capital flow that just unintentionally is hitting bumps on its path of exponential growth [9][9][9] hm think these 9th footnotes are indeed good explanation along the next one [10][10] ~ [11][11] so we can sense that HSIN depends exactly on the plutocratic will when to announce default and shift in technocracy, but would like to hear what others think ... Could You cushion any hardships ahead without Agrarian Mindset [12]

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29 Replies
A year ago
The issue with the United States presidency is that the president has a maximum of eight years (assume a second term) to get things done. Given how the system is designed, four to eight years isn't enough time to persuade both sides of the political spectrum. On top of all that, there's the constant threat of getting impeached for the slightest provocative move. My conclusion is that the United States presidency is a farce.

I believe that within 20 years, the American empire will expire. The USA will still remain a powerhouse worldwide, but the world will be split into multiple powers, making the world a safer, better place I think. DE-dollarization will accelerate because fewer countries now trust the United States given how they tried cancelling the largest resource-based economies on the planet. By removing the influence of the dollar, USA et al. cannot apply effective sanctions like they once could.

My fear is the cancellation of fiat currency all together for one that is strictly digital. With digital currency, it will be easier to restrict one's freedom and in turn control the population by a simple click of a button.
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Odiseizam AuthorOdiseizam
Posts: 146
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
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Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Probably there is some unleveled logic between the first and the second video from the previous post i.e. that the boiling point is starting '25 [1] or that in "some" heads actually already started [2] but whenever will be rolled another phase towards "their" great'reset'remodeling of neoliberalism what actually we need to debate is who how will manage the system ahead, in this context what is actually troubling is not technocracy or socialism per'se if the same is arranged through democracy and meritocracy as voted by the plebs experts Yet if till now elitism was rigging plutocracy why to expect that the very 1% bilderborgs&co euroatlantic determinists and "their" pawns of public representatives will allow Power To The People but mids the projected socialist wonnabe utopian agenda "they" are trying to rig own survival as elites, what how was managed in ex-Yugoslavia earlier from some personal experience I can just say it will be an illusion of brotherhood&solidarity [3][3] altho sounds that it will bring equality and stability but how if for those very same 1% of ea-determinists we on the bottom of "their" power pyramid are seen as useless eaters that are treat as for "their" might so as for "their" utopian ideals, so how we can rest and say chill everything is gonna be alright  as if only risk is economic fears, altho even now we see that prime are the geopolitical, tho provoked from the economic boom of east due to western outsourcing [4][4][4] that now when the 3rd World started to gain exponential growth suddenly needed to be stopped from fear of loosing the old monopolar dominance of ea-determinists, hm probably from existential fears and due to fake exceptionalism the concealed western empire is trying to rig reemergence!

Still contemplated from economic perspective, if we see how industrialization will be disrupted from various aspects whether coz automatization even everything continued by the current order and/or coz collapse of that order many will be left jobless, then defacto per'se socialism is not the prime by importance question right now ~ but think what we need as balance is indeed Agrarianism if we want to secure some less paranoid quality of life and avoid more than stiff policing response towards it!, when especially problematic will be to be secured the necessities for all those urban unselfsufficient junkies that if now can be recognized as potential risk as criminalized addicts [4][4][4] right after (even just) stagflation ahead of us, will push many to criminal mindset so would secure the basic needs for their families!, and probably such projections of cia and pentagon motivated DoD for the bionic jabs mids the past plandemix as IoB panopticon solution so masses would be easily catalogized and day after mids "their" great reset manipulated by push'of'button!, altho that is only one side of the plandemix agenda to which complementary is the genetic revolution flushed through the m'rna jabs as inertia towards reaching "their" superhumanity!, with hope that as cyborgs citizens will be more efficient than robots coz secure selfmaintenance, but what maybe as transhumanism looks promising on paper yet in reality if indeed rolled out will bring huge trial&error misery how is envisioned on small door to be released upon all, hm probably will excusing "themselves" how we were threatened by invasion from another dimension (altho even that smells as "their" fault) so now need all to be chipped so we would know who is who among us!

Hm I will stop with this digressing coz whatever could be found as explanation for all the mindboggling events that are happening nowadays simply coz will project myself paranoia instead to secure focus toward Soul Salvation what is doable if You are trying to evade certain hardships through Rural Agrarian Will for Survival at least as in time prepped farming tools and/or machinery [5] altho will emphasize that be aware that criminals will gain prominence as in every global crisis when actually they serve as most effective sigint surveillance and chance for cheap diversion groups [6][6][6] so dont expect that will escape molesting even live far away from the cities!, so having reserve basement deep in wood where would stash extra reserves of basic agrarian tools for revival of Your small farm would be wise thing, hm I'll go at least with molds for hand'tools if not else, still Agrarian Knowhow [7] think is most useful asset coz tools can ease the work but are not guaranty for abundance!, I'll put it simply the point as our system got too acidic mindset thus even we are not aware its trying to bring people towards more alkaline momentum so would be balanced the flow and survival!, so recognizing that reality is useful for gaining will for acclimatization as individually so as collectively!
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
What I find strange is that now "they" as euroatlantic determinists are actually improvising!, first of all how for two decades actively invested in biotech as base for "their" utopia i.e. everything to be connected and manipulated by push'of'button mids "their" technocracy, but eventually the very same hype has fail in its spin of plandemix till great'reset'transition (foremost needed for "introduction" of nanobots for hiving of the masses in "their" electronic gulag of bilderborg panopticon) failed spin as result of "their" faulty jabs or maybe faulty pipeline [1][1] and how was mandated (altho unsafe) by itself the same skim screams that "they've" even improvised with the timing of "their" plandemix as mean for hiving and reaching western technocracy!, thus all this points how we are left as masses on mercy to "their" agendas and improvised executions of the same, what makes me wonder whats next on "their" menu after the failure of "their" elusive form of hiving by graphene oxide i.e. what will be introduced as cortical modem for smooth IoB integration with IoT and IoE next coz graphene oxide proved to be deadly by large magnitude, hm maybe xenobots [2] but hm how "they" dont have clear clue about all processes in the Cell [3] altho think if "they" pull such stunt will bring just extra misery of chase towards "their" apotheosis, for "them" an normal consequence of and on the hedonic treadmill where for “them” is very logical to shift towards homo’silicone’reality, on top what by reductionist logic has no alternative but only submission of all till full acceptance of “their” new’atlantis’blueprint, tho for many illogical exceptionalism that gamble to throw whole World in collapse, yet I’ll remind You wasnt such gamble present and secured by "them" even till now in form of ultra exploitation of eathly and human resource!?, werent the ecoethical and bioethical risks constantly overlooked so west would have secured exponential economic growth!?, what in its last phase eg. Can be recognized by fracking and all the risks that go with it [4][4] simply what matters for “them” is not normal future for all but new normal for “them”!, what also can be seen by the geopolitical hysteria too [5] but definitely all this is clear through “their” system dynamics logic for automatization of everything and everyone [6] [6][6] seeing us as nodes of neatly simulated civilization [6] [6][6] eventually for which we know as Christians will not last for long whenever is executed [7] yet to what we cant stay silent observers coz for sure we will be coerced willingly or not to it by deceit or force [8][8][8] hm and isnt this crossing indeed in believe it or not possibilities how atheism and reductionism is pushed by humanism but coz some deists apotheosis that actually in the end evolves in true possession by the very same spirit that actually stirred all that inertia since renaissance as revival of the pagan apostasy from The Truth and lust for heaven’on’earth [9][9][9] hm will zeitgeist be our or "their" destiny to push for "their" utopia by any means even bestiality however strange this sounds [10][10] now these last 9th and 10th footnotes would be sole projecting and potential wrong accusation if there wasnt particular neopagan deist agenda since the enlightenment era for reaching superhumanity and heaven'on'earth yet now to me look and sound more than credible explanation what is happening as covert shift from humanism in transhumanism and from democracy in technocracy!

So going towards full digital economy isnt step towards the warnings of The Bible Revelation think dont need to elaborate, altho the problem with the elaboration would be timing i.e. when where and how the mark of the beast will be imposed?, isnt already?, or can we escape such causality?, hm obviously seen from the vision from the last footnote we are still not in it but could be after ww3 and alien (read demonic invasion [11][11][11]) but that dont means You should relax, simply we are in the beginning of the end of the Apocalypse!, thus the labor pains till  chaos are on the doorstep!, hunger for sure, diseases too, suffering by default, thus will for knowhow about superfoods and natural wild remedies could be most useful for survivalist mode that probably will be norm knowing that even now we are on unstable ground when the supply chains are in question what about if intentionally or unintentionally the same are disrupted, as I am suggesting CBD could become most useful remedy at disposal coz once the big'pharma'chain collapses there will be no other cheaper way for cushioning whatever fasting of the regular necessary drugs from which many depend what about if on top of that You are burdened further thus harness some knowhow [12] or at least print it coz eventual emp risks [13][13][13] altho its really sad that there is no will this fact to be established as widely confirmed trend [14] hm I was always wondering why actually in North Korea weed is not illegal but planted in abundance Slight Smile tho this could be as well coz other factors like the traditional sambe cloth yeah CBD absorbed by the skin [15][15] anyway now practically China is among the leaders of hemp production by which logic will be of CBD too [16] Hm dont bother to debate this post so we would not go extra offtopic in context of the Economy Subforum altho How Soon Is Now as meme think is part at the moment also with transhumanism and ufology!, yet open new tread so it would not be choked this one ... surely I'll digress with OC points too [17] so respond here on the economic hype ahead ...

Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Is "Now" just variable mids "their" n'w'o equation, coz aware that altho few times attempted to execute global government still didnt succeed in that!, altho this time the stage for "their" play has more than the regular money-war scenography!, foremost the stage is with "green" decking plus beneath with transhumanist prompter, while the lightshow is in neopagan newage deist hands!, now we can further demystify all parts of "their" theatric package from blueprints screenplays directors actors etc. partakers, but that will not change the fact that in question is manufactured reality that needs to be sold as gold altho fog on all for "them" earthlings so "they" would reach "their" utopian phantasmagoria from deist heaven'on'earth!, tho not sure are "they" now rushing coz in panic on improvisation coz obvious wrongness and all causality from it [1][1] or "they" dont want to miss the opportunity till many nations are still indebted to "them" so "they" would place more epic stage that would last "they" hope eons ahead with "them" at the helm, yeah the order of "their" wrong neopagan helmet!, actually not sure how much but think that even intentionally "they" are trying to provoke economic political or natural collapse in our World, "they" have the means and ultraexeptional'deist'mindset lack only consistency of projection so as many for "them" useless eaters would choke in "their" spins and rigged reality!, actually "how soon is now" as meme I've have use it from climate disaster docu [2][][2] that when layered by "their" green agenda and day after fracking as mass ch4 release and to it extra speeden up global warming then its not hard to grasp that in question is projected agenda so "they" would reach "their" superhumanity and heaven'on'earth indeed till half billion deists [3][3][3] So How Soon Is Now is rolling out for some time now as Agenda21 and all its reprojections till full implementation, now saying we have means to evade "their" traps hm Hope we do but even there were none what we need to catch as opportunity from all this is Awareness for Salvation through Jesus Christ coz everything else will be waste of time in whatever form of expecting stable future ahead for the Mankind, simply even smashed like cockroaches "they" will not evaporate coz in question is spiritual delusion that when is not entering in this world from one is entering from another side and I do expect that to be again case knowing how many simply are not selfsustainable and like that burden not just for themselves but to eachother in whatever economic political or natural turmoil ahead!

Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Hm, how would Mankind wake up and focus on eventual prepping mood and/or agrarian mode if calmed down with "Dont Worry You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy" hype mids full'digital'economy!?, supposedly beautiful collectivist future of enlightened'neopagan'utopianism [1][1] wrong deceitful calming as if the working class heroes will have advantage and not the system, to be worst not small amount of risks could get around mids "their" full digital economy stunt eg. the hope is that by secured extra span of negative interest rates will evade deflation or shocking ultra hyperinflation day after [2][2][2] hm can this balancing be achieved mids the current geopolitical turmoil!?, hm hm hm go tell to everyone the right on abundance is always norm even when the gambler gambled out everything, so while hope on smooth transition expect also harsh crossover and coercion on whatever so You would be eligible to sell or buy mids "their" rebranded system of commerce!, what to Christians should ring the bell what could be eventual risks from such hiving in full'digital'economy!, for which almost noone is talking as probable among "experts" i.e. how such system could be misused!, also we need to grasp that as Christians for us hardships in this World are our destiny so dont complain if and when You will end up hungry while didnt moved on rural farming while afraid to get hived in "their" system of debt trade and commerce!

Be clever at least make some bunker with farming hand tools!, ideally stack some copies of survivalist books!, and maybe throw in there few sleeping bags and some useful camping gear [3][3][4] yeah harpoons coz if glaciers meltout due to eventual wrong nuclear war ahead surely fishing will be prime source of food!, but lets say even now this is reality for many (if anyhow got grinded down by the system or its systems eg. like tv or psychiatry lobotomization) yet that dont give up even all gave up from them!, but imagine the majority are tilting in such vibe how exponentially all risks pains and scarcity grow when frugality will be norm as way of life!. someone even now eating pet food so would save a bit for down town stroll for national holydays, trying to breath in at least some feeling not of new normal but normal vibe of belongingness to some community tradition and togetherness!, hm will we have that ahead, who can tell whether we will repent in time so would remove all wrong causality that piled for a while (mostly on west) so would not drop in "further" disoriented uncertainty!?, at least this "further" blob can be recognized by some recent hype [5][5] that tho was common even earlier in various other stressing around "their" financial system thus dont needs to mean nothing altho it could also everything, what can "further" upgrade the question of this thread HSIN is it time for boom or bust for "their" casino!? [6][6][6] or its just prepared and rolled out cycle that should bring "their" great'reset'script [7] what again needs consent and belief in the system or enslaving usually by trickery [8] what eventually is achieved through particular manufactured reality [9][9][9] but what if the cause is coz much deeper problem than our reality yet how who to explain that and not to get ridiculed thus I'll keep to the regular surficial logic for the logical path towards certain manufactured resets [10][10] now would be deflation or inflation guess the yoyo will hit all [11] hm can be deflation reverted by helicopter money maybe if those are shared as digital in abundance but again that is not logical survival reflex on long run and the bust as in every cycle will ring the bell in one or another way!, or!? as many claim already the world curency status is soaring rapidly!, but isnt that dont maybe intentionally so would be rigged scene for ww3 and through "further" controlled collapse "someone" to reemerge and present itself as "savior" with one'world'government, hm cant say for certainty altho its certain that we can expect "further" uncertainty [11][11][11] So lets get dirty, You can still plant some garden in May and have harvest in August ideally nice reserves of vegies for winter ... or You can buy some now and vacuum them for later at least some bucket of grains [12] somehow indeed now all this looks as manufactured economic collapse, almost as the attempt mids the plandemix and the intentional stalling of supply chain freight at open sea, tho now with far greater rigging than in time of DonaldT when he actually amortized the us'economy while now with all the geopolitical hype JoeB is stimulating "controlled collapse", anyway shelves are getting expensive thus empty [13] So Start Thinking Like the Oldskool Common Prep Lifestyle with stacking Tasty Jars in Your Cellar or beneath the floor [14] I am just not sure is it better to lock some savings in gold or crypto in both cases safe till there are (no) cops around waving guns around Your small brain, depending on the mainstream narrative [15] and alternative speculations [16] hm depending on Your and Your Community Fasting [17] hm maybe we all are fooled to fall in the trap of false belief of minsky moment as is suggested in the next tagged video made by an southafrican tho tilting on hollandese lawns, thus we would need to remind him about blackouts in his birthplace [18] altho the logic is that as those so as hyperinflation in case of the western manipulated financial casino is done by the invisible hands behind the global economy levers!, So expecting new normal in form of comfortable tomorrow would be possible if we have will to join forces for popular communal farming and kitchens - if and when "they" will pull the great'depression'leveler - hm how much caloric is to breed Carps in bathtub  Slight Smile

A year ago
You've presented a lot of great ideas here, but I am finding some ideas hard to follow, specifically those in reference to Christianity. I was hoping you could elaborate on those a little bit more.

Furthermore, you're absolutely right about automation taking over millions of jobs in the very near future, and making millions of people essentially useless. With the onset of artificial intelligence being freely accessible (e.g. ChatGPT), it could have major consequences to the lives of practically anyone that uses technically for a living or work that could potentially be automated. Eventually these people will have no other option but to live off the government and be controlled like citizens of communist/socialist countries are until they die; there may even be restrictions as to how many children they can bare so that the world's population can decrease.

One of the videos you shared advocates for the buying of gold as an asset. The problem with that is that most gold purchased by ordinary people is no more a tangible good than it is to have money stored in a bank. If you buy gold from an institution, you never really get to touch it, or store it in your own safe, or even use it. If the institution you buy it from goes down, you'll never end up with that gold anyway - the same can be said about fiat currency stored in a bank. Say you want to buy a house, how many property owners will take you seriously if you tell them, for example, that you have three bars of gold equivalent to the worth of their home? (I would assume very few people would). And, while I do feel a recession is on the way, given that a third major bank recently failed, no one can correctly predict when it will happen. In fact, I have been reading about predictions since 2016, the same ideas, the same stories.
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
1. As Christians we are warned in The Bible Revelation about end times when noone will be able to sell or buy if dont have the mark of the beast, altho per'se the current shift dont need to be that hiving in full'digital'economy altho its path towards as mechanism for totalitarian control!, practically we will be cornered in electronic gulag once such system is revealed and eventually its misuse will be norm once "someone" mastered complete control or infiltration in it!, relevant question is whether the prime and true globalist elites are neopagans that lust for apotheosis thus utmost opposite to Christianity, altho we are warned that many will be fooled to accept "their" false prophet thus through ecumenism probably Christianity will be in large part thrown in universalist apostasy that is seen as one'love'religion as glue for "their" neopagan new'world'order!

2. Automation is "their" neopagan hype towards transhumanist apotheosis where reaching man'god'level is seen as possible by enough trial&error through bionic&genetic manipulation, thus per'se not that "their" neopagan humanist malthusian hype is enbloc accepted by all peers in "their" neopagan cauldron as agreed variable for certain depopulation, probably many among "them" believe that as cyborgs we would be more effective and durable even reaching beyond the cosmic radiation till solar system colonization and terraforming of other neighboring planets, yet in essence now needs to pass obviously the phase of acceptance of transhumanism and merging of man and machines however dread is that transhuman eugenic stage for total IoB hiving!, for what volunteers maybe now will not be too much (altho we the past plandemix many indeed gave a hand) yet mids controlled chaos as global economic collapse or eventual ww3 such experimental pool will burst enmasse!

3. yes owning physical gold is safest option for securing some backup, but even then logically mids economic depression as I am pointing those who will be (legal or illegal) guards in Your hood will bullet'count Your steps towards secured quality of life, So in every situation safest and more logical survival option of whatever hardships ahead is Rural Farming Refuge (whether in question is coercion for cyborgization OR dystopian concrete jungle circumstances) hm hm hm how geopolitically are playing "they" are intentionally pushing inertia towards rigged dystopia what as controlled chaos eventually need to bring (by problem solution spin) mass longing towards voluntary hiving coz secured safety yeah from the hungry hordes!

4. but lets say I am projecting wrong mosaic of reasoning (i.e. that there are utopian global elites with certain neopagan heaven'on'earth n'w'o agenda) and that all that is happening now is just mere accidental occurrence of bad financial cycles that were not manipulated not rigged towards certain great'reset AND that all hype with automatization is just normal consequence of the regular progress of science (and not some predetermined planned obsolescence of transhumanist progress ~ altho as future shock it was and is [1][1]) even in and by such assumption of naive selfrevealing circumstances still Agrarianism should be preferred stimulated and subsidized way of coping with automatization [2] in which case surely we would seen volunteers for cyborgs too, but this like now all to be pushed towards unisex androgen mold by coerced plandemix skims that hm that is wrongness on steroids of euroatlantic elitist exceptionalism!, in essence we are pushed by trickery towards it, and if that didnt pass with "their" plandemix till great'reset "they" hope will pass as provoked economic meltdown coz the ukrainian crisis and if that cant bring "their" great'reset'reality surely it will be pushed in motion ww3 ordo'ab'chao scenario!

5. In essence if "they" wanted to "they" could had have pour from empty to empty in hollow and back as "they" would want to, but obviously afraid from the revival of Orthodox Christianity in Russia and bionic&genetic revolution hype in China so as euroatlantic determinists probably got scared that as more as "they" wait so as hard it will be to keep secured "their" current geopolitical and global financial influence so in panic pulled prematurely "their" Agenda'50 in A'21 or now A'30 actually great'reset'shapeshifting of democracy in technocracy and humanism in transhumanism, thus now we are where we are, and to this panic of "theirs" we cant respond in different manner but as least as possible to depend from "their" system!, what by all means is doable if its defied by Agrarianism on the first level of the maslows pyramid example!, altho to that good condiment would be eTOS response of mobilized intellectual will on thematic eforums in every society where and when 24/7 will respond all experts in its own fields of specialization towards securing risk management and responding with particular constant public debate on etool like eforums [3]
A year ago
1. As Christians we are warned in The Bible Revelation about end times when noone will be able to sell or buy if dont have the mark of the beast, altho per'se the current shift dont need to be that hiving in full'digital'economy altho its path towards as mechanism for totalitarian control!, practically we will be cornered in electronic gulag once such system is revealed and eventually its misuse will be norm once "someone" mastered complete control or infiltration in it!, relevant question is whether the prime and true globalist elites are neopagans that lust for apotheosis thus utmost opposite to Christianity, altho we are warned that many will be fooled to accept "their" false prophet thus through ecumenism probably Christianity will be in large part thrown in universalist apostasy that is seen as one'love'religion as glue for "their" neopagan new'world'order!

I read about that connection a few years ago, during the height of COVID. The connection is indeed striking when referencing what is happening with digital currency, social credit scores you find in China, and the vaccine passport that was implemented nearly everywhere:

"Thus no one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast—that is, his name or his number." - Revelation 13:17

2. Automation is "their" neopagan hype towards transhumanist apotheosis where reaching man'god'level is seen as possible by enough trial&error through bionic&genetic manipulation, thus per'se not that "their" neopagan humanist malthusian hype is enbloc accepted by all peers in "their" neopagan cauldron as agreed variable for certain depopulation, probably many among "them" believe that as cyborgs we would be more effective and durable even reaching beyond the cosmic radiation till solar system colonization and terraforming of other neighboring planets, yet in essence now needs to pass obviously the phase of acceptance of transhumanism and merging of man and machines however dread is that transhuman eugenic stage for total IoB hiving!, for what volunteers maybe now will not be too much (altho we the past plandemix many indeed gave a hand) yet mids controlled chaos as global economic collapse or eventual ww3 such experimental pool will burst enmasse!

I don't think this invention of artificial intelligence was produced out of malice, but more as a demonstration of human capability. I think it is no different than when the calculator was invented, it speed up the process and made difficult tasks easier to do. I'm certain the inventors of the calculator didn't create it to piss off math teachers, and make their lives harder. Society simply adjusted to the change, and it made people who are bad at numbers live decent and productive lives. However, I believe bad people with deep pockets will use this invention to harm people in the ways discussed, such as using it in automated processes to increase their wealth by hiring fewer and fewer humans.

3. yes owning physical gold is safest option for securing some backup, but even then logically mids economic depression as I am pointing those who will be (legal or illegal) guards in Your hood will bullet'count Your steps towards secured quality of life, So in every situation safest and more logical survival option of whatever hardships ahead is Rural Farming Refuge (whether in question is coercion for cyborgization OR dystopian concrete jungle circumstances) hm hm hm how geopolitically are playing "they" are intentionally pushing inertia towards rigged dystopia what as controlled chaos eventually need to bring (by problem solution spin) mass longing towards voluntary hiving coz secured safety yeah from the hungry hordes!

Without fertile soils and fertilizers, this might not be the safest bet either. If you visit Cuba (communist), most of their live stock are skinny as heck, yet they are seen grazing all day long. Without commercial fertilizer and energy, the country isn't capable of growing its population sustainable. Now, if you have an acre of land, the most you can do is raise some chickens, perhaps a few pigs and sheep, and some fruits and vegetables. To protect this investment, you'd have to take care of these assets all day (essentially you'd be a farmer). Maybe that's good enough if you're living off-grid with an extended family, but to do this on your own isn't easy.
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Interesting observation about the probable motives of explorers but how day after their knowhow is manipulated by the power elites for that one fine nice example is Nikola Tesla ... practically once someone will be exposed to the full background inheritance and aims of humanism as not mere emergence coz need for speed but for reaching specific deist goals like apotheosis just then can grasp the claim that there is covert borg dem down all agenda. as I am pointing coz the neopagan fuse in humanism which undoubtfully accept evolutionary ascent of humans in transhuman'super'ape and for him eternal'superape'republic!, saying that the life as complex as it is and the systems around exists only by accidental emergence is causality by emptiness!, now was calculator in control of the programmer as now a.i. as program is pushed to become main programmer of our existence that hm even with good intention can and will actually end up in ultra disaster once will drop wrong variables on the horizon altho as I assume such already are implanted as deist tweaks, yet we dont need to live in fear coz such risks and side effects but we should be aware that the centrifuge will pull in all not aware that always need to have reserve plan in case some crucial system is in crisis ...

... eventually this would mean in time secured risk management and prompt response will for Agrarian Shift if the current global economic stability faint through deflation stagflation or coz "wrong tempered inflation"!, is there such planning and will in all hm cant says there is, I'll take my country as pivot example i.e. as the state so as the population is not even close to awareness that we are ultraunselfsustainable with backup only for clean water that tho as resource is not secured by neat eco monitoring and action, yet we are loosen as if there is everything fine yeah if somehow heavier crisis burst plants will use and pollute with forbiden toxins just so the business would survive what about if depression hits the bell (for that can project only Watch It Dont Touch It meme for future thirsty cyclists that will wandering around my birth valley)

About the hardships of farming gardening homesteading yes it could be joyful vibe as engagement if have needed tools mechanization and team, but also it could be painfully dread if things are not synchronized for effective harvest and gains, if You ask me nowadays maybe even its better to plant vegetables in hanging pots and fruits in planters than on field and like that to secure more yield and less effort around diseases and fertilizing, eventually all that is alternative and now mostly extensive agricultural hype but if and when we will see global'economic'depression that will be far more trendy if not else like that You are compacting the farm what in return is easier for safeguarding coz more plants can be grown on same space if the pots go in hanging rows on wire and even securing them like that easily by dogs on wire too, so yep Agrarian Mindset will be indeed norm for many that if not else dont want to eat worms or forms of artificial foods and/or dont want to follow the hiving eugenic hype for great reset of Mankind as we know it!
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
... hm ... delete ...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Small hickup above coz wrong thread posting, altho that post [1] can end up here as well like reminder that even mids eventual global economic stagflation coz full'digital'economy shift (if not depression coz geopolitical tensions) that the health can be cushioned somehow cheap even there are not widely available pharmaceuticals around, what for many will be norm as phytotherapy approach even full'digi'economy bounce ahead simply coz they will not be willing or eligible to hook in the game!

Another important realms that will be at risk from eventual economic hardship except healthcare are the social and communal sectors, overall what it will be in question mids huge crisis is the capacity of societies to coup with the regular administrative functioning eg. even anxiety or poverty reflex [2] which in such circumstances for sure will grow exponentially, for what most important thing think it will be the will and knowhow societies to mobilize so would respond more effectively, what is doable by (or even better now in time is laid the necessary infrastructure for) eTOS reality [3][3][4] as interactive compacting of the intellectual and resourceful potentials of some community or society!

Maybe less obvious now but also important momentum for better quality of life mids global crisis is the will for shift from individualism to collectivism, what maybe in capitalist environment is hard now to be achieved but once hyperinflation will hit the bell then for sure those who will be willing to join forces for collective commuting working help eachother not just interactively but also practically those logically will curb with the hardships with ease, easy to be said yet go live under same roof with your broader family coz easier survival, maybe if Agrarianism became norm thus from choiceless necessity but even then if You have at least some building knowhow it would more bearable the shared space [5][5][6][6] practically mind prepping is utmost important think at the moment so in eventual economic turmoil ahead at least filtrated water as basic necessity will be secured for what going with charcoal is easiest way around but go make coal easily if cant be bought thus calculate the odds for available pure drinking water if need to move from your concrete jungle due to eventual urban havoc i.e. how to secure quick and easy setup for filtration [7] now go find some important prepping books that will help You out around survivalist bushcraft ~ there are also many prep eforums where it could be found info what is essential for Your own library [8][8][8]

A year ago
I think water filtration from the elements is easier than stated. Although I don't know how effective these means are if water is contaminated with poisonous chemicals. This, coupled with boiling it should be enough to kill anything pathogenic living in the water.
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