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coo1guy coo1guy
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6 months ago Edited: 6 months ago, coo1guy
Broccoli sprouts are one of the best, if not the the best, source of sulforaphane, apparently 100x more so than fully grown broccoli.

Unfortunately, most "broccoli" seeds sold in specialized shops and online are of broccoli rabe (Brassica rapa or ruvo), which is a distinct spieces from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) and actually a type of turnip.

Most packs of broccoli rabe seeds claim to be a source of sulforaphane, but if the two plants don't belong to the same same family, that's quite unlikely.

Does anyone know if sprouts of broccoli rabe are a source of sulforaphane?

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Staff Member
6 months ago
It's not just broccoli, but all cruciferous plants being a source of glucoraphanin, the precursor of sulforaphane. My concern would be whether or not the sulforaphane in those supplements is natural or synthetically produced. I would much rather each my greens rather than get it in supplement form.
- Master of Science in Biology
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