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S.v S.v
Posts: 54
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A month ago
Students construct a vehicle that is powered exclusively by balloons
The vehicle must be constructed from the following list of materials:

plastic straws
plastic beverage containers
wooden cooking skewers
wheels [any material - no prefabricated units]
ROUND balloons
tape / glue / paint


1. The vehicle, with the balloons deflated, must be no larger than 35 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm.
2. Before a run is made the circumference of the balloon will be measured. The circumference can be no larger than 1 meter. You may use only 1 balloon for your vehicle but must have your own back-up balloons in case of accidental explosion
3. Each vehicle will be allowed 2 runs, with the largest displacement counted. The runs will be made in listed order. This will give each team an appropriate amount of time to make any adjustments and prepare the car for its second run. Missed runs will be given a score of zero.
4. The vehicle must self-start and must not be given any initial impulse or have any external guidance at the start, or during, the race.
5. All the energy used to propel the vehicle must come from the balloon. The balloon cannot be treated with chemicals, heated or cooled in any way.
6. The vehicle must self-start and must not be given any initial impulse or have any external guidance at the start, or during, the race.

Any ideas anyone? I have a few Ideas but I dont know much about aerodynamics
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Answer accepted by topic starter
A month ago
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S.v Author
A month ago
thanks that gives me a good idea of how i should start the build
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