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Anonymous joshephn
2 weeks ago
I know the answer of the first part is the first matrix, but im unsure on how to do the second part.

Assessment (Portfolio Week 5): Problem-solving exercise
Submit your answer to this question on your Week 6 workshop day
9. Matrices can be used to send encrypted messages. Say you have a message matrix M and an
encryption matrix E. The encrypted message will be the product of those two matrices, i.e.
A = EM. In the matrix A, the numbers of M will be mangled with those of E. Unencrypting
the message requires performing the reverse operation to retrieve M from A.
You have been sent an encrypted message:
3m —5i
—m +2i
and two possible encryption keys
3t 3h—5v 3s—5e
—t 2v—h 2e—s
(a) Without performing any calculation, determine which of the encryption keys was used
to encrypt the message.
(b) Decrypt the message, i.e., find M from A using either El or E2 in an appropriate way.
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