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havoc-covah havoc-covah
13 years ago
Hello all these are my answers that I got doing the lab.  NOT from the answer key, I hope this helps someone.

For the chart look in your lab book and follow the layout, it just didn't translate when I put it into here.

Baseline      Normal Rat         Thyroidectomized Rat         Hypophysectomized Rat   
Weight   249.9 grams   245.3 grams   244.4 grams
ml O2 used in 1 minute   7.0 ml   6.1 ml   6.1 ml
ml O2 used per hour   420 ml   366 ml   366 ml
Metabolic rate   1680.72
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1492.45
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1497.54
ml O2/Kg./Hr.
With Thyroxine         
Weight   250.0 grams   245.1 grams   244.9 ml
ml O2 used in 1 minute   7.9 ml   7.5 ml   7.4 ml
ml O2 used per hour   474 ml   450 ml   444 ml
Metabolic rate   1896
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1835.98
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1812.98
ml O2/Kg./Hr.
With TSH         
Weight   250.0 grams   245.3 grams   245.8 grams
ml O2 used in 1 minute   7.9 ml   6.1 ml   7.5 ml
ml O2 used per hour   474 ml   366 ml   450 ml
Metabolic rate   1896
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1492.45
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1830.75
ml O2/Kg./Hr.
With Propylthiouracil         
Weight   250.0 grams   245.3 grams   244.4 grams
ml O2 used in 1 minute   6.1 ml   6.1 ml   6.1 ml
ml O2 used per hour   366 ml   366 ml   366
Metabolic rate   1464
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1492.45
ml O2/Kg./Hr.   1497.54
ml O2/Kg./Hr.

Hormones and Metabolism
Activity 1:  Determining the Baseline Metabolic Rates

1.   Which rat had the fastest baseline metabolic rate?  Normal Rat
2.   Why did the metabolic rates differ?  The TX rat had its thyroid removed.  The thyroid is what produces thyroxine and with a lack of thyroxine this rat’s metabolic rate is slower than the normal rat with normal levels of thyroxine.  The Hypox rat had its pituitary gland removed which also results in a lack of thyroxine and a lower metabolic rate than the normal rat.
3.   If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing from its blood?  Thyroxine
4.   As a result of the missing hormone(s), what would the overall effect on the body and metabolism be?   The rat has a difficult time maintaining a consistent metabolism and body temp
5.   How could you treat a thyroidectomized animal so that it functioned like a “normal” animal?  Give it Thyroxine injections
6.   If an animal has been hypophysectomized, what effect would you expect to see in the hormone levels in its body?  Lack of TSH in the blood and also a lack of Thyroxine
7.   What would be the effect of a hypophysectomy on the metabolism of an animal? A lower metabolic rate

Activity 2:  Determining the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate

1.   What was the effect of thyroxine on the normal rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the normal rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The Thyroxine increased the normal rats metabolic rate.  As compared to the baseline metabolic rate there was also an increase present.
2.   Why was this effect seen?  With more Thyroxine in the rat it is affecting all of the cells and increasing the metabolic rate of everything
3.   What was the effect of thyroxine on the thyroidectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the thyroidectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The Thyroxine increased the TX rats metabolic rate.  As compared to the baseline metabolic rate there was also an increase present.
4.   Why was this effect seen?  Since the thyroid was removed from the TX rat, giving an injection of Thyroxine brought the metabolic levels up compensating for the shortage that was present in the first experiment
5.   What was the effect of thyroxine on the hypophysectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the hypophysectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The Thyroxine increased the Hypox rats metabolic rate.  As compared to the baseline metabolic rate there was also an increase present.
6.   Why was this effect seen? Since the pituitary gland was removed from the Hypox rat, giving an injection of Thyroxine brought the metabolic levels up compensating for the shortage that was present in the first experiment

Activity 3:  Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate

1.   What was the effect of TSH on the normal rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the normal rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The TSH had no effect on the metabolic rate compared to when the rat was injected with Thyroxine.  As compared to the baseline metabolic rate an increase was present
2.   Why was this effect seen?  With an increase in TSH in the blood the body would be triggered to produce more Thyroxine.  With an increase of more Thyroxine the metabolic rate would increase.  Since the injection of the TSH & the Thyroxine produced the same reaction with Thyroxine the metabolic increase was the same in both experiments.
3.   What was the effect of TSH on the thyroidectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the thyroidectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The TSH had no effect on the metabolic rate compared to the baseline metabolic rate.
4.   Why was this effect seen?  The thyroid was removed from the TX rat, meaning that the rat did not produce Thyroxine. Giving an injection of TSH would only mean that the body is calling for the production of Thyroxine but with no thyroid Thyroxine cannot be produced and cannot increase the metabolic rate
5.   What was the effect of TSH on the hypophysectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the hypophysectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate? The TSH increased the metabolic rate as compared to the Thyroxine injected metabolic rate as well as the baseline metabolic rate
6.   Why was this effect seen?  The Hypox rat had the pituitary gland removed meaning that there was no production of TSH in the blood.  With an injection of TSH in the blood the thyroid is no triggered to produce more Thyroxine and as a result increasing the metabolic rate

Activity 4:  Determining the Effect of Propylthiouracil on Metabolic Rate

1.   What was the effect of propylthiouracil on the normal rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the normal rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The propylthiouracil injection actually decreased the normal rats metabolic rate compared to the baseline metabolic rate as well as the Thyroxine injected rate and the TSH injected rate
2.   Why was this effect seen? Propylthiouracil inhibits the production of Thyroxine with a lack of Thyroxine the metabolic rate decreases
3.   What was the effect of propylthiouracil on the thyroidectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the thyroidectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The propylthiouracil injection had no effect on the TX rats metabolic rate compared to the baseline metabolic rate as well as the the TSH injected rate
4.   Why was this effect seen? The thyroid was removed from the TX rat, meaning that the rat did not produce Thyroxine. Giving an injection of propylthiouracil would only mean that the body being prevented from producing Thyroxine which it could not do in the first place, so the metabolic rate is the same as in the first experiment
5.   What was the effect of propylthiouracil on the hypophysectomized rat’s metabolic rate?  How does it compare to the hypophysectomized rat’s baseline metabolic rate?  The propylthiouracil injection had no effect on the Hypox rats metabolic rate compared to the baseline metabolic rate
6.   Why was this effect seen?  The Hypox rat had the pituitary gland removed meaning that there was no production of TSH in the blood.  With an injection of propylthiouracil, which prevents Thyroxine from being produced the effect was nil since Thyroxine is being blocked from production so the metabolic rate could not increase

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Activity 5:  Hormone Replacement Therapy

1.   T score (control): -2.68
2.   T score (estrogen): -2.09
3.   T score (calcitonin): -2.59
4.   What effect did the administration of estrogen injections have on the estrogen-treated rat? With the rat T Score starting at -2.6 the estrogen injections actually lowered the T Score bringing the rat into oseopenia instead of osteoporosis
5.   What effect did the administration of calcitonin injections have on the calcitonin-treated rat? With the rat T Score starting at -2.6 the calcitonin injections only lowered the T Score from -2.6 to -2.59 so overall there was a lower score but not enough to change the range the rat was in

Insulin and Diabetes
Activity 7:  Measuring Fasting Plasma Glucose

1.   Sample 1:  glucose concentration of         107      mg/deciliter.
2.   Sample 2:  glucose concentration of         120      mg/deciliter.
3.   Sample 3:  glucose concentration of         127      mg/deciliter.
4.   Sample 4:  glucose concentration of         119      mg/deciliter.
5.   Sample 5:  glucose concentration of         138      mg/deciliter.
6.   For which patient(s) were the fasting plasma glucose reading(s) in the normal range? Sample 1
7.   For which patient(s) were the fasting plasma glucose reading(s) in the diabetic range? Sample 3 & 5
8.   For which patient(s) were the fasting plasma glucose reading(s) in the impaired range? Sample 2 & 4
9.   What recommendations would you make to a patient with an impaired FPG value who also tested in the impaired range with the oral glucose tolerance test? A diet where sugars were limited in consumption would be recommended to the patient
10.   Patient 3 is pregnant; how might this change the diagnosis?  During pregnancy a mother can be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, the same diet would be recommended during pregnancy.  However, when pregnancy is over the mother may no longer be diagnosed with diabetes
11.   What recommendations would you make to this patient? The same type of diet limiting the amount of sugar to be consumed

Activity 8:  Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

1.   Patient 1: Cortisol:      2.63   mcg/dL
2.   High or Low?  Low
3.   Patient 1: ACTH:        19.30   pg/ml
4.   High or Low?  Low
5.   Patient 2: Cortisol:       33.98  mcg/dL
6.   High or Low?  High
7.   Patient : ACTH:           14.56  pg/ml
8.   High or Low?  Low
9.   Patient 3: Cortisol:        41.16 mcg/dL
10.   High or Low?  High
11.   Patient 3: ACTH:         89.99 pg/ml
12.   High or Low?  High
13.   Patient 4: Cortisol:        2.37 mcg/dL
14.   High or Low?  Low
15.   Patient 4: ACTH:          97.85 pg/ml
16.   High or Low?  High
17.   Patient 5: Cortisol:        46.38 mcg/dL
18.   High or Low?  High
19.   Patient 5: ACTH:          19.82 pg/ml
20.   High or Low?  Low

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6 Replies

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13 years ago
+ for you, thanks
aangell Author
13 years ago
havoc-covah- You have no idea how much this helped me!!!

Thank you so so much! I really appreciate your help!!
aangell Author
13 years ago
This is a difficult lab. I have most of the answers, but am struggling with the "whys" and understanind Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic
linches@ONL Author
13 years ago
Thank you so much, your a life saver.I spent the better part of the day on this assignment,And i 'm not even half way done, than i came across this.What luck.Thank you soooo much.Im new to this site.Can i contact you on here?
13 years ago
Thank you so much, your a life saver.I spent the better part of the day on this assignment,And i 'm not even half way done, than i came across this.What luck.Thank you soooo much.Im new to this site.Can i contact you on here?

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13 years ago
thank you so much for this it really helped
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