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BreakFree BreakFree
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9 years ago
The physician has written an order for a client for a new antihypertensive drug. Why is it important that the nurse have an understanding of the drug’s prototype?
Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Knowledge of the prototype allows the nurse to surmise important information about an unfamiliar drug in the same class.
2. If the nurse knows the actions and adverse effects of the prototype drug, this information can be relevant to use of the unfamiliar drug.
3. The safety profile for the prototype is the same as the safety profile for the unfamiliar drug.
4. Knowledge of the prototype drug’s therapeutic or pharmacologic classification can offer useful information about the unfamiliar drug.
5. Traditional prototype drugs are often older and infrequently prescribed, and the information about them should not be used.
Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice

Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice

Edition: 3rd
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First-year pharmacology student, representing MIT!
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9 years ago
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BreakFree Author
9 years ago
I really appreciate taking the time to solving my problem. I'm marking your post as best answer.

Thanks Slight Smile
First-year pharmacology student, representing MIT!
9 years ago
Glad it worked lol
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