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BreakFree BreakFree
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9 years ago
The spouse of a client tells the nurse about the client’s twitching and jerking shortly after lying down and says it stops after the client goes into a deep sleep. Which response is the most appropriate from the nurse?
1. Suggest the client see a sleep specialist to obtain medication for restless leg syndrome.
2. Reassure the spouse that this might be a part of the normal sleep cycle.
3. Explain that the client should not drink caffeinated beverages immediately before bedtime.
4. Suggest the client take measures to assist sleepiness, such as sleep in a dark, quiet room.
Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice

Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice

Edition: 3rd
Read 196 times
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First-year pharmacology student, representing MIT!
Answer verified by a subject expert
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Posts: 3784
9 years ago
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BreakFree Author
9 years ago
This question gave me a hard time, problem solved with your reasoning lol
First-year pharmacology student, representing MIT!
9 years ago
Glad to help, definitely don't give up, they're easy once you get a hang of it.
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