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Sherri044 Sherri044
Posts: 12
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12 years ago
Hi guys in the book Karen S. Scott Med, RHIA, CCS-P,CPC Coding and Reimbursement for Hospital Inpatient Services.I have this Quiz that I NEED HELP with if anyone out there know anything about Medical Coding? I Really Need to PASS this Quiz its Due Thursay 6-7-2012. Thanks for your time!!!!

1.During an ___________, reviewers should look for patterns and trends, strengths and weaknesses, and problems that might be uncovered during the process.

2. According to ___________________, a facility must ensure strict compliance with the rules governing privacy and security of patient information.
3.The organization's compliance plan, coding policy, and other policies and procedures should be reviewed at least ____________.
4 . ___________________was established to prevent hospitals from inappropriately transferring patients who are unstable or in active labor.
5 Providing substandard care can be viewed as a form of ____________________even when services are billed correctly.
6.This 25 year old was lifting heavy boxes at the shop where he works when he felt severe low back pain and numbness in the leg. He was brought to the hospital and adminted with herniated intervertebral disc of the lumbosacral area with myelopathy. A laminotomy was performed with excision of the disc. What codes would you assign?
7. A patient with staphylococcal septicemia with systemic inflammatory response syndrome SIRS with respiratory and acute hepatic failure.
8. This patient was admitted for chemotherapy following recent diagnosis of cancer of the small intestines. The tumor was in the area where duodenum and jejunum join. It was resected a month ago and she has been receiving chemotherapy. After the chemotherapy administration, the patient developed severe nausea and vomiting, which led to dehydration and an extra day's stay. Medications were given for the nausea and vomiting. IV fluids were given to rehydrate the patient. What codes are assigned? Read this question carefully, especially about the nausea & vomiting.

 9  A patient with unstable angina, hypertension, diabetes with hypoglycemia and a history of MI is admitted to the hospital
10. A 51 year old male patient had surgery to remove two separate carbuncles of the left axilla. Pathology report indicated staphylococcal infection. The carbuncles were removed without any complications. What codes are assigned

11. This full term male infant was born in this hospital by vaginal delivery. His mother has been an alcoholic for many years and would not stop drinking during her pregnancy. The baby was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and was placed in the NICU. The baby had a successful circumcision on day 5. What codes would you assign in this case?

12. This 3 month old infant was brought to the ER by the babysitter after she did not wake up from a nap. The babysitter admits shaking the baby because she would not stop crying earlier in the day. She was admitted to ICU and was unconscious for 8 hours. Diagnosis at discharge: shaken infant syndrome, subdural hematoma, loss of consciousness for 8 hours and total retinal detachment, right eye. What codes would you assign?

13. This patient was admitted in labor at 39 weeks gestation. She has had gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. The labor was very difficult, and finally a low cervical cesarean section was performed because of obstructed labor due to an unusually large baby causing disproportion. What codes are assigned in this case?
14.. This nursing home patient presents with aspiration pneumonia with superimposed staphylococcal pneumonia. The patient aspirated food particles in the nursing home because of his dysphagia after a CVA last year. Treatment included clindamycin 600 mg IV q 6 hours. Condition resolved with treatment and patient discharged home. The correct code assignment is?
15. A 75 year old male was admitted to the hospital in acute respiratory failure. He has emphysema due to his continuous smoking for over 50 years. Sputum cultures showed Streptococcus A pneumonia. He was intubated ( endotracheal ) in the ER and started on mechanical ventilation. Thirty six hours later he was extubated and was able to breathe on his own. Diagnosis: acute repiratory failure, pneumonia due to Streptococcus A, and emphysema. What codes would you select for this case?
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Valued Member
12 years ago
Did you end up figuring these out, I may need them as well Confounded Face
Staff Member
8 years ago
15. A 75 year old male was admitted to the hospital in acute respiratory failure. He has emphysema due to his continuous smoking for over 50 years. Sputum cultures showed Streptococcus A pneumonia. He was intubated ( endotracheal ) in the ER and started on mechanical ventilation. Thirty six hours later he was extubated and was able to breathe on his own. Diagnosis: acute repiratory failure, pneumonia due to Streptococcus A, and emphysema. What codes would you select for this case?

The principal diagnosis is always the reason for admission. If the medical record indicates the reason for admission is acute respiratory failure for a patient with acute respiratory failure and pneumonia, the principal diagnosis is acute respiratory failure, followed by pneumonia and emphysema.
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Staff Member
8 years ago
10. A 51 year old male patient had surgery to remove two separate carbuncles of the left axilla. Pathology report indicated staphylococcal infection. The carbuncles were removed without any complications. What codes are assigned

680.3, 041.10
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