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Dannyy Dannyy
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9 years ago
I am taking a class and the instructor has mutiple answers to her questions. Below are some questions along with the answers I have. I just want some verfication before I submit them. Thanks

Put these descriptions of cellular response in order
1. Increase in second messenger
2. Hormone binds to GPCR
3. Activation of transcription factors (turn DNA on or off)
4. Activation of a protein kinase

My answer: 2143

Which of the following are in the correct order?
A. Ligand binds, receptor changes shape, cell responds
B. cell produces signal, receptor changes shape, ligand binds
C. receptor changes shape, cell produces signal, ligand binds
D. ligand binds, cell produces signal, cell responds

I chose A

A cell sends out signals to nearby cells and yet also responds to its own signals.  This type of signaling is called

My answer is Autocrine

 The dermal tissue in plants is analogous to what type of tissue in animals?

My answer is epithelial
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9 years ago
Put these descriptions of cellular response in order
1. Increase in second messenger
2. Hormone binds to GPCR
3. Activation of transcription factors (turn DNA on or off)
4. Activation of a protein kinase

My answer: 2143

I believe it is 2,1,4,3.

It would be helpful to remember a specific example of a GPCR pathway, such as the Epinephrine pathway. Epinephrine (the ligand) binds to a receptor, thus activating a G-Protein. The G-Protein then activates Adenylyl Cyclase, which converts ATP into cAMP (a second messenger). The cAMP then activates various protein kinases which then activate other proteins that generate a cellular response.

The purpose of second messengers is to propagate the received signal throughout the intracellular space to elicit a greater response. Logically it would make sense to place the the second messengers in a step before protein kinases as they are used to activate multiple kinases.

Which of the following are in the correct order?
A. Ligand binds, receptor changes shape, cell responds
B. cell produces signal, receptor changes shape, ligand binds
C. receptor changes shape, cell produces signal, ligand binds
D. ligand binds, cell produces signal, cell responds

I chose A

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