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nevada nevada
Posts: 116
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13 years ago
Early 19th-century scientists believed that living organisms differed from nonliving things as a   1) result of possessing a "life force" that could create organic molecules from inorganic matter. The term given to this belief is..

A) vitalism. B) mechanism. C) organic evolution.
D) inorganic synthesis. E) organic synthesis.

is the answer A.vitalism?

A carbon atom is most likely to form what kind of bond(s) with other atoms?   
 A) hydrogen B) ionic C) covalent D) A and B only E) A, B, and C
is it c. covalent bond?


How many structural isomers are possible for a substance having the molecular formula C4H10?
A) 3   B) 4   C) 2   D) 1   E) 11
i have no idea which answer is it.

Which functional groups can act as acids?
A) hydroxyl and aldehyde
B) carbonyl and carboxyl C) amine and sulfhydryl D) carboxyl and phosphate E) ketone and amino

is the answer B? im not really sure of this answer.

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Valued Member
13 years ago
Hey! Here are the answers, I'm pretty sure about them ! (:

1. A - vitalism
2. C - covalent bond
3. C - 2 (methylpropane and butane)
4. D - carboxyl and phosphate ( you were close! Lol)
- FluffyBunny<3
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