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greenbean greenbean
Posts: 9
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9 years ago

Part 1 of 6 -   21.0/ 21.0 Points

Question 1 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The site where bone growth occurs in a long bone is the
     C.epiphyseal plate.   
 D.articular cartilage.   

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Question 2 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
All of the following are functions of the skeletal system EXCEPT
     A.plasma protein production.   
 B.blood cell production.   
 C.mineral storage.   

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Question 3 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Osteogenic cells
 A.are mature bone cells.   
     B.develop into osteoblasts.   
 C.surround themselves with matrix.   
 D.break down bone.   
 E.deposit calcium into the bone.   

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Question 4 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The endosteum
     A.lines the medullary cavity.   
 B.is the unit of compact bone.   
 C.contains red bone marrow.   
 D.is the end of long bones.   
 E.surrounds the bone surface.   

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Question 5 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Bone continuously replaces itself throughout adult life.

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Question 6 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Fat is stored in
 A.compact bone.   
 B.spongy bone.   
 C.articular cartilage.   
     D.yellow bone marrow.   
 E.red bone marrow.   

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Question 7 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The shaft of a long bone is called the:

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Part 2 of 6 -   18.0/ 21.0 Points

Question 8 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
A suture is a fibrous joint.

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Question 9 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The scientific study of joints is called

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Question 10 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Arthritis is a form of rheumatism.

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Question 11 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Freely moveable joints are called

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Question 12 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The articulation formed between a tooth and its bony socket (alveolus) is called a syndesmosis.

Feedback: Please review Chapter 7.
Question 13 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
A fluid-filled cavity found between the articulating bones is a characteristic of
     A.synovial joints.   
 C.fibrous joints.   
 D.cartilaginous joints.   
 E.None of the above.   

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Question 14 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Slightly movable joints are called
 A.synovial joints.   

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Part 3 of 6 -   24.0/ 24.0 Points

Question 15 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The immediate direct source of energy for muscle contraction is
 A.creatine phosphate   

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Question 16 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
The point of attachment of a muscle (by means of a tendon) to the stationary bone is called the

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Question 17 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Which of the following is/are striated and involuntary?
 A.skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle   
 B.skeletal muscle and smooth muscle   
     C.cardiac muscle   
 D.smooth muscle   
 E.skeletal muscle   

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Question 18 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Muscle tone results from
 A.rigor mortis.   
     B.activation of a small number of motor units.   
 C.slight contraction of all the muscle fibers in a whole muscle.   
 D.incomplete tetanus.   
 E.fused tetanus.   

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Question 19 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Pain in or associated with muscles is called

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Question 20 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Which of the following muscles adducts the thigh and flexes the leg?
 A.rectus femoris   
 C.flexor digitorum longus   
 D.tibialis anterior   

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Question 21 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
During oxygen debt, some of the lactic acid produced by anaerobic respiration in muscle fibers is converted into glycogen in the
 E.muscle fibers.   

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Question 22 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
A muscle that produces an upward movement is a

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Part 4 of 6 -   21.0/ 21.0 Points

Question 23 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Which of the following describes the relaxation phase?
 A.The sarcomeres are increasing in length, and the force generated increases.   
     B.The sarcomeres are increasing in length, and the force generated decreases.   
 C.The sarcomeres are decreasing in length, and the force generated increases.   
 D.The sarcomeres are decreasing in length, and the force generated decreases.   

Feedback: Correct!
Question 24 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
A motor unit is defined as _______.
 A.a nerve and a muscle   
     B.the axon terminals of a single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it stimulates   
 C.a single muscle fiber and all its axon terminals   
 D.a single neuron and a single muscle fiber   

Feedback: Correct!
Question 25 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
As the stimulus voltage increased, the resulting muscle tension _______.
 A.decreased proportionally   
     B.increased to a point until it reached a plateau   
 C.increased proportionally   
 D.remained the same   

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Question 26 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
What is the minimum voltage needed to generate muscle contraction?
     A.threshold voltage   
 B.stimulus voltage   
 C.recruitment voltage   
 D.contraction voltage   

Feedback: Correct!
Question 27 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
Which of the following terms are NOT used interchangeably?
 A.muscle cell — muscle fiber   
 B.muscle tension — muscle force   
     C.motor unit — motor neuron   
 D.in vivo — in the body   

Feedback: Correct!
Question 28 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
In the lab, a researcher finds that the threshold stimulus to induce an action potential in a muscle
fiber’s sarcolemma was 3.0 volts. Which of the following would result in muscle tension?
 A.1.0 volt   
 B.2.0 volts   
 C.3.0 volts   
 D.4.0 volts   
     E.3.0 volts and 4.0 volts   

Feedback: Correct!
Question 29 of 32
3.0/ 3.0 Points
NO force is generated during which of the following?
 A.a muscle twitch   
     B.the latent period   
 C.the relaxation phase   
 D.the contraction phase   

Feedback: Correct!
Part 5 of 6 -   8.0/ 8.0 PointsAnswer the following question in your own words without using any resources. Your answer should be written in complete sentences using correct grammar, spelling, and terminology.

Question 30 of 32
4.0/ 4.0 Points
Briefly explain the difference between stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency.
Stimulus intensity is the strength, or amplitude, of the stimulus; In this case it was measured in volts in our experiment. Stimulus frequency on the other hand, is the number of times that the stimulus was presented.

Feedback: Learning Objective: Define stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency.
Please review Lab Exercise 2, Activity 3.
Question 31 of 32
4.0/ 4.0 Points
Briefly describe "motor unit recruitment."
Motor unit recruitment is the process in which the number of contracting cells is increased. It is responsible for producing smooth movements, rather than short jerky movements.

Feedback: Learning Objective: Describe how the human body uses motor unit recruitment and wave summation to increase the force of muscle contraction.
Please review Lab Exercise 2, Activity 2.
Part 6 of 6 -   5.0/ 5.0 PointsInstructions:
1. Click on the Browse button to find the lab report on your computer.
2. Click on the Upload button to attach your lab report to the quiz.

Question 32 of 32
5.0/ 5.0 Points
Attach your completed Lab Exercise 2, Activity 2: The Effect of Stimulus Voltage on Skeletal Muscle Contraction lab report (PEX-02-02_FirstnameLastname.pdf) as the answer to this question.
Read 6867 times
2 Replies

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9 years ago
This is good to have but none of these questions have the actual answer to it all that its showing is good job
8 years ago
The answers are there if you notice the ones that are not line up are the answers  Slight Smile
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