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12 years ago
Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration
Here it is..... hope this helps someone. Pls make sure you look at the answer key. lol... I got a 75!
Question 1 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
A biologist is studying factors which affect population size where the percentage of individuals killed remains the same regardless of population size. What are these factors?
   A. Density-dependent factors    
   B. Density-independent factors    
   C. Logistical-dependent factors    
   D. Biotic-independent factors    
   E. Carrying capacity-dependent factors    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 2 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
An ecosystem contains:
   A. Only the energy flow components of the environment    
   B. Only the biotic components of the environment    
   C. Only the abiotic components of the environment    
   D. Only the food relationships found in an environment    
   E. Both the living and the abiotic components of the environment    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 3 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
If you were studying the place where an organism lives, you would be studying its:
   A. Population    
   B. Habitat    
   C. Community    
   D. Ecosystem    
   E. Biosphere    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 4 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
The environmental aspects that determine where specific organisms live are called the:
   A. Biotic factors    
   B. Life history factors    
   C. Density-independent factors    
   D. Limiting factors    
   E. Density-dependent factors    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Limiting factors are those environmental aspects that particularly determine where an organism lives.
Question 5 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
The nonliving resources in the environment are referred to as abiotic.

Answer Key: True
Feedback: Good job!
Question 6 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
If the growth rate increases, the doubling time:
   A. Decreases, then increases    
   B. Remains the same    
   C. Decreases    
   D. Increases, then decreases    
   E. Increases    

Answer Key: C
Question 7 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
A biologist is counting the number of individuals of a population per unit area. She is trying to determine the
   A. Population capacity    
   B. Population distribution    
   C. Population potential    
   D. Population density    
   E. Population frequency    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Part 2 of 3 -    20.0/ 35.0 Points

Question 8 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Fifty days after hatching, a white-crowned sparrow will never be able to sing a normal song if reared in isolation. This is an example of:
   A. A fixed action pattern    
   B. A sensitive period for learning    
   C. A sign stimulus    
   D. An innate behavior    
   E. Habituation    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Sensitve period means that the behavior develops only during this time.
Question 9 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
The main result of the experiments with two groups of California garter snakes that varied in habitat and food was:
   A. The behavior was imprinted by whatever they ate when they hatched    
   B. The behavior was learned; one group learned to like to eat slugs, the other, fish    
   C. The behavior was genetic, and the hybrids had an intermediate response to the food extracts    
   D. The behavior was determined by the environment    
   E. The behavior was general; the snake ate anything that moved    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 10 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Male birds court females of the correct species because they look like their mother. This is an example of:
   A. Imprinting    
   B. A fixed action pattern    
   C. An altruistic act    
   D. A learned behavior    
   E. An innate behavior    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Imprinting is considered a form of learning.
Question 11 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Imprinting and songbird singing are both examples of:
   A. Innate but not learned behavior    
   B. Kin selection    
   C. Behavior that requires some learning    
   D. Altruism    
   E. A type of courtship ritual    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 12 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT true for inherited behavior?
   A. The fixed action pattern is initiated by a sign stimulus    
   B. All members of a species perform the exact same sequence    
   C. Once the fixed action pattern starts, it can be modified by behavior    
   D. It is a fixed action pattern    
   E. The behavior pattern is stereotyped    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Understand the genetic basis of animal behavior
Question 13 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
If you were studying a type of learned behavior that causes a family of baby ducks to follow their mother you would be studying which of the following?
   A. Operant conditioning    
   B. Extinction    
   C. Insight learning    
   D. Motivation    
   E. Imprinting    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 14 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
If you were studying a durable change in behavior brought about by experience you would be studying which of the following?
   A. Learning    
   B. Instinct    
   C. Altruism    
   D. Associative learning    
   E. Kin selection    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Part 3 of 3 -    30.0/ 30.0 Points

Question 15 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
In the model of island biogeography, equilibrium is reached when:
   A. The rate of species emigration matches the rate of species extinction    
   B. The rate of species immigration is greater than the rate of species extinction    
   C. The rate of species emigration is greater than the rate of species extinction    
   D. The rate of species immigration matches the rate of species extinction    
   E. The rate of species immigration matches the rate of species emigration    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 16 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following is correct in a predator-prey cycle?
   A. Generally prey are unaffected by predators    
   B. A decline in the number of prey causes a decline in the number of predators    
   C. Predators will always cause the prey to go extinct    
   D. An increase in the number of predators triggers an increase in the number of prey    
   E. A decline in the number of predators causes a decline in the number of prey    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 17 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Mimics that share the same protective defense are called:
   A. Cryptic mimics    
   B. Camouflage mimics    
   C. Batesian mimics    
   D. Warning mimics    
   E. Mullerian mimics    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 18 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Interaction between two species as both attempt to use the same environmental resources is:
   A. A community    
   B. Predation    
   C. An ecosystem    
   D. Symbiosis    
   E. Competition    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 19 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
What is the symbiotic relationship where one species benefits and the other species is injured but not killed?
   A. Mutualism    
   B. Predation    
   C. Commensalism    
   D. Parasitism    
   E. Competition    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 20 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which interaction between two species involves one species feeding on the other species?
   A. Commensalism    
   B. Resource partitioning    
   C. Competition    
   D. Predation    
   E. Competitive exclusion    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
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