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9 years ago
Figure out the DNA, mRNA, tRNA and amino acid strands using the information given. Using the image attached:

1)Fill in the coding DNA sequence including present and missing nucleotides

2)Fill in the template DNA sequence including missing and present nucleotides.

3)Fill in the mRNA sequence including missing and present nucleotides.

4)Fill in the tRNA sequence including missing and present nucleotides.

5)Fill in the amino acid sequence using 3-letter abbreviations.

6)Fill in the amino acid sequence using 1-letter abbreviations.

I'm completely lost on how to answer these questions!! Undecided I've tried to do it multiple times but it's telling me I'm wrong.I've exhausted all my attempts for numbers 1 and 2, so, I don't want to go any further.

If anyone can help with any part even just the DNA strand I'd be extremely grateful!! Slight Smile
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9 years ago
Recall that the coding strand is the strand that is transcribed.

Hope this helps...
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