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lgorman20101 lgorman20101
Posts: 82
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11 years ago
Please help, I'm having a hard time with this test!

Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

In humans, hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive trait. If a man and woman have a son with hemophilia, which of the following must be true?

 The father has hemophilia.

 The mother has hemophilia.

 The father carries at least one allele for hemophilia.

 The mother carries at least one allele for hemophilia.

 Both parents carry at least one allele for hemophilia.

Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Biotechnology is currently being used to effectively do which of the following?

 Produce vaccines

 Produce human gene products

 Diagnose diseases

 Only Choice 1 and 3 are correct

 Choices 1, 2, and 3 are correct

Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

What two enzymes are needed to produce recombinant DNA?

 Polymerase and ligase

 Restriction enzyme and ligase

 Transcriptase and ligase

 Restriction enzyme and reverse transcriptase

 Ligase and reverse transcriptase

Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

The ?central dogma? of molecular genetics is that genetic information is coded in self-replicating DNA and undergoes unidirectional transfer to messenger RNAs in transcription which act as templates for protein synthesis in translation. The exception to part of this statement is:


 tumor viruses


 restriction enzymes

 gene cloning

Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

In a Mendelian cross between two pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color, what is the probability that the offspring will inherit at least one dominant allele?






Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

A couple has two children who both have blue eyes and blonde hair. Both parents are homozygous for blue eyes (bb), but the mother has brown hair (Hh) and the father is a blonde (hh). What is the probability that their next child will have blue eyes and brown hair?






Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following best describes the parents in a testcross?

 Both individuals are heterozygous

 Both individuals are homozygous

 Both individuals have the recessive phenotype

 One individual has the dominant phenotype and the other has the recessive phenotype

 Both individuals have an unknown phenotype

Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following is true of the Law of Independent Assortment?

 It states that the alleles at different loci separate independently of each other in a monohybrid cross.

 It is the reason that the expected ratio in the F2 generation is 9:3:3:1.

 It states that individuals have 2 alleles for each gene and gametes end up with only one of the two alleles.

 It states that if an organism has two different alleles for a gene, only one allele has a noticeable effect on the organism?s appearance.

 More than one of the above answers is correct.

Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

A pair of homologous chromosomes

 often have different lengths

 often have different alleles

 often have different genes for different traits

 are separated into different daughter cells during the process of mitosis

 would have both been inherited only from the mother or only from the father

Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Polygenic inheritance is best represented by which of the following?

 Skin pigmentation in humans

 ABO blood group in humans

 White and purple flower color in pea plants

 Colorblindness in humans

 Pink petal color in snapdragons

Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

In human blood groups, Rh positive is dominant over Rh negative. A woman with A positive blood has a son who is B negative and a daughter who is O positive. Which of the following represents a possible genotype for the mother?

 IAi rr




 IAi Rr

Question 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Based on the data in the chart below, answer the question that follows. Assume that the wild type parental fly (gray body/normal wings) is heterozygous for the traits, and that the recessive parental fly (ebony body/vestigial wings) is homozygous recessive for the traits. A total of 2000 flies were counted.


What could be concluded about these genes?

 They are sex-linked, and affect only males.

 They are autosomal on separate chromosomes.

 They are autosomal but at opposite ends of the same chromosome.

 They are not affected by crossover events.

 They are linked on the same chromosome and experienced a crossover event.

Question 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

A student performed a bacterial transformation experiment, and introduced a plasmid into an E.coli suspension that contained a resistance gene to the antibiotic, erythromycin. The student plated the tra
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11 years ago
If you are taking this test NOW, wouldn't it be cheating if anyone told you the answers?  There's a reason why that's not allowed during tests you know.  Maybe if you studied a little harder, you would be able to answer the questions, like your fellow non-cheating students.

I would know that studying helps, because I too am in AP biology.
11 years ago
Question 1: The mother carries the allele for hemophilia.
Question 2: Choices 1, 2, and 3 are correct.
Question 3: Restriction enzyme and ligase.
Question 4: Retroviruses
Question 5: 1/4
Question 6: 1/2
Question 7: One individual has the dominant phenotype and the other has the recessive phenotype
Question 8: It states that the alleles at different loci separate independently of each other in a monohybrid cross. It is the reason that the expected ratio in the F2 generation is 9:3:3:1. It states that if an organism has two different alleles for a gene, only one allele has a noticeable effect on the organism?s appearance.
Question 9: Often have different alleles
Question 10: Skin pigmentation in humans
Question 11: IAi Rr
Question 12: Can't see chart
Question 13: Uncomplete question
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