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datageekgh datageekgh
12 years ago
would I be able to go to graduate school for physics or electrical engineering? My courses are as follows (ECE, Math, and PHYS related):
Calc I, Calc II, Multivariable calc, Diff. Equation, Diff. Equations Applied, and linear algebra.
Physics for engineers I, physics for engineers II, Mechanics I, Lab in electricity magnetism and mechanics, Quantum physics, Electricity and Magnetism I, Electricity and magnetism II, quantum mechanics, Stat./Therm Physics.
Electric circuits, electric devices and circuits, signals and systems, systems analysis, Capstone design (two semesters, ECE design), communication systems, optical engineering, micro/optoelectronic device, optical engineering lab.
As well as two free electives to possibly strengthen either physics or ECE course load if i am lacking  . Thanks in advance for you response, i really do appreciate it!
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12 years ago
You're better off adding in an analysis course before applying to grad school.. Differential equations can only help you so much. I don't have to tell you this but grad level engineering courses are extremely math intensive. Looks like you've got everything else covered though.

And yes, you can definitely apply.
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