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lgood4 lgood4
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11 years ago
could anyone help me out to answer this questions??

*identify 3-5 technologies under Mechanics,Thermodynamics,Optics,Electricity and magnetism,Classical physics, and Relativity..these are branches in physics.. also please tell the advantages and disadvantages of each tecnologies under  the said branch.

+thank you!! your answer is such a great help!!!!!+
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11 years ago
For the first five look at your car it has everything classical physics has. If it happens to be your car travels near the speed of light there goes your relativity. Down to 2. Electric fan- it has your aerodynamics (mechanics), electromag, thermodynamics (heat dissipation, mechanism of heat transfer) again if it happens that your fan rotates very fast that it experienced time dilation there goes your relativity again. Down to 1: Look at your PC. It has many physics applications. It has cooling fans (mechanics, elemag, thermody), led (elemag, optics,) optical mouse(optics, elemag), harddisk(mechanics, optics,). Now if it happens to be your PC works really really fast... time almost stops... there goes your relativity.
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