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firepain firepain
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11 years ago
I can't really understand how to know its F1, gr and pr?

p1 = AaBBCc  X  aaBbCC

Aa/AA- red ; aa-blue; BB/Bb- Light ; bb- Dark; CC/Cc- short ; cc-tall

Please help me!!
thanks in advance!
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11 years ago
You just need to set this up so that each cross is happening independently to better understand it.

Aa x aa
50% chance you get an A from the first parent
50% chance you get an a from the first parent
100% chance you get an a from the second parent
So it's a 50% chance that it'll be Aa (red) and 50% chance of aa (blue)

Do the same thing with BB x Bb
50% BB
50% Bb
Both of these will be "light"

And with Cc x CC
50% CC
50% Cc
Both of these will be "short"
11 years ago
Here is my answer: http://i.imagehost.org/0883/punnetsquare.jpg

Hope I helped.
Send me an email if you need help. Slight Smile
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